Chapter 1

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The phone rings as I'm doing my hair. "Emelia! Answer the phone!" I groan and I go downstairs answering the phone. "Hello?" "Hi, is Mr Adler home?" I look at my dad who's sitting directly next to the phone and he shakes his head. "No, he's busy right now. But I can take a message." "Ok this is Gary. And those Pogues were hanging around his property again. I almost got them but they slipped through my fingers." 

I  clear my throat as I hide my laugh trying to imagine Gary running after 4 fit teenagers. "Ok, Gary. I will be sure to tell him. Have a nice day." I hang up the phone and look at my dad. "Pogues were hanging around your property." He nods. "Those damn kids. Got nothing better to do with their lives." I nod before rushing off back to my room.

I love being at home, this place is my safe place. It's really truly the only place I can be myself with no worry of being judged. Tomorrow Hurricane Agatha is said to be hitting Outer Banks. I'm not really that worried due to the fact that we're pretty safe up here in Figure Eight which is the rich side of the Island. I do feel bad for the people down at The Cut. 

I wish there was more we could do for them other  than give them jobs but my parents no matter how much I love them, one thing I know about them is that they're selfish. They believe that the people in The Cut deserve to be down there. They say they don't work hard enough to be rich but I believe they work harder than anyone in Figure Eight and I will always stand by that.

During the night while the Hurricane goes on, I sleep pretty peacefully. I mean I do wake up from time to time, but overall it's not a bad sleep. The next day, I'm home alone which I really don't mind until I decide I'm bored so I go to my best friend's house.

I know there's a chance, he might be there considering, they're siblings, but I take the chance anyways.  I get there and Ward opens the door. He smiles at me. "Hi, Emelia. How are you doing today?" "Pretty good, Ward. Where's Sarah?" He looks around. "I don't know, why don't you look around." I nod before going in and finally I find her. "Hi, Sarah." 

She smiles and hands me a tennis racket. "Birds are having a field day. Help me." We jump around  waving our rackets trying to keep the birds away from the mice. Suddenly I hear Ward's voice. Neither of us stop what we're doing though. He yells Sarah's name but she continues. "I'm busy!" "What are you girls doing?" "The burrows filled with water from the surge. The birds are having a field day." 

We continue jumping chasing the birds away. "The birds have to eat too, girls." She shakes her head. "No, it's a mouse genocide out here. No!" "It's the cycle of life, that's what it is. Now, come on." "I can't be a part of it. First they came for the mice, Daddy." "Well, I have an actual human being...." For the first time, we both look at Ward and he's not alone. 

Sarah apologises and shakes hands with her. I give her sheepish little wave. They talk together, something about Scooter, who helped Sarah patch up the Druthers yesterday. Apparently he's missing but Ward is convinced he's fine and just hiding out somewhere. I hope he's ok. 

I spend the rest of the day in Sarah's room when suddenly Sage opens the door. Sage is Sarah's twin brother and my boyfriend. "Hey, didn't know you were here." I shrug. "I thought you were out." He nods. "Alright, well there's a kegger at the boneyard. Topper's going, I thought you two might wanna come too." We look at each other and shrug.

You can't really understand Outer Banks without understanding the boneyard. It's like a three way burrito. It's where three different groups of people join together with alcohol. There's the people from the cut, kooks like me, and then theres Tourons. On vacation with their family for a week, and absolutely clueless. 

We get ready and we go to the kegger. I stand beside Sage who has his arm around me as he talks to Kelce. Sarah is messing around standing on a high place. I'm not really paying attention to her but Topper is. I look across from us and the Pogues are standing there. Kiara is glaring at us and I quickly look down. Kiara, Sarah, and I were best friends in 9th Grade but the reason we stopped being friends is a long story for another time.

I'm standing at the drinks table later on in the night when JJ comes up to me. "Hey, Emelia." I look at him. "Hi, JJ." "Can I interest you in this wonderful drink?" I look at him confused. "What is it?" "Taste it." I grab the drink suspiciously before taking a sip. I immediately don't like the taste. "Yeah, no. I hate that." I give him back his drink and he chuckles before going off to offer it to Sarah.

I feel an arm grab me and I turn to look at Sage. The look in his eye, makes my heart pound faster. "Hey, what's up?" "Don't. You don't think I saw you flirting with that Pogue." My eyes widen. "I wasn't flirting, I swear." "Oh, yeah, is that why you were giving him a flirty smile, taking drinks from him? You're dating me, remember? I don't need people to think I'm dating a whore." 

I nod quietly and he grabs my arm pulling me behind him. That's when I notice the commotion happening between JJ and Topper. Suddenly it escalates and it goes from JJ and Topper to John B and Topper. I gasp as Top kicks John B and sends him into the water. They start fighting and no one is sure who's gonna win. Suddenly Topper kicks John B down and holds his head underwater.

Oh god, he's drowning him. I grab Sage to tell him to stop the fight but he pushes me away causing me to fall over. I watch in horror as Topper drowns John B. I move beside Sarah and we both yell for Topper to stop. Suddenly JJ is beside Topper, and he's got a gun to his head. I look at him in panic. The gun shocks Sarah into silence but I keep going.

"JJ! Stop! Put the gun down." "Did you say somethin', princess?" "Yeah, put the gun down!" Topper lets go of John B and lifts his hands up. "We're good, bro. We're good." Sarah glares at Kiara. "Kie! Can you check your psycho friend, please?" I wanna correct her and say that technically Topper did try to kill his best friend but I know it's not the time. 

JJ moves forward bringing his gun into the air. "Ok, everyone, listen up. Get the hell off our side of the island!" He fires two shots into the air and I grab Sarah's hand and we run off with Kelce, Topper, and Sage directly behind us. The car ride home is awkward. Suddenly Topper looks at us.

"That JJ kid is a fucking psycho!" I look at them. "To be fair, you tried to drown his best friend." They all look at me. "Are you defending him?" I look at them. "No, I'm just saying he probably didn't know what else to do." Sage glares at me. "What are you, some kind of Pogue lover now?" "No-" "Cause you were getting all cozy with JJ before the fight started?" I look at him. "I wasn't. He offered me a drink and I took it. I didn't like it, so I gave it back." 

He scoffs and the rest of the ride is silent. I'm the first one to be dropped off and I leave shutting the door and leaving without saying goodbye to anyone. I'm so done with all of them. Maybe not Sarah. I love her too much to be mad at her. 

The next day Sarah invites me over to her house. I don't wanna be around Sage so we go to Druthers. Just as we're walking in, we find John B walking out. He doesn't look to bad except for the massive black eye he's sporting. He and Sarah have a little banter as he goes to load the tanks he's taking into his boat. 

Before Sarah can say anything else I look at him. "Are you ok?" He looks surprised at the genuine tone in my voice but then he just shrugs. "You know what? You can just tell Topper that he won this round. I'll get him next time." Sarah looks annoyed. "So there's just gonna be a reign of terror on this island now?" "Wars have been started for less, Sarah Cameron." "Okay. Can we drop this whole Pogues vs Kooks thing? It is really stupid." I nod.

He moves close to our faces and my eyes widen. "You know it's easy to say when you're a Kook." He drives off on his boat and Sarah flips him off. We turn around and standing there is Sage. "Not flirting, you say. Seems like you want all the Pogues. Who you gonna flirt with next? Pope?" I groan. "I wasn't flirting." I walk away from him annoyed. I'm so done with him today. 

Kook princess II Kiara CarreraWhere stories live. Discover now