36. One step at a time.

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Third party POV.

"Ladies." Both Maurice and Marco addressed their girlfriends at the same time after meeting with the two at a private dinner at an hotel.

Maurice and Marco couldn't be more happy seeing there girlfriends treating them but at the same time were very skeptical of the twos behavior.

Even though the two had absolutely nothing to be skeptical about but remembering there best friend Anna and how devious she was with Kristrin they couldn't help but wonder if the girls were up to something.

Instead of the twins pulling out the tables for Olivia and Charlotte, it was the females who did so, which made them even more inquisitive.

Olivia and Charlotte, who were cheerfully chattering away as soon as everyone was seated, graciously ordered meals for the twins.

Maurice and Marco both suspected the ladies were up to something, but they were keen to find out what it was. All they could hope for was that it wasn't something horrible.

The twins were perplexed as to why their woman kept staring at each other, but they both sensed that something was going on behind those sly eyes.

Not being able to take it any longer, the twins threw down their forks and folded their hands together in a harsh manner.

"You two appear to be involved in a nefarious scheme. Is there anything we need to be aware of?" Marco questioned while scrutinized both women's actions intently.

"Baby, why do you ask such a question?" Olivia grabbed Marco's hand in hers and looked at him innocently.

"Since the moment we arrived, you two have acted suspiciously. Something is amiss, and we're about to find out what it is." Maurice spoke to both of the women at the table, but Charlotte in particular.

Olivia and Charlotte exchanged a single glance before returning their attention to their respective meals.

"We're on our way out." Both males were about to stand up when the women dragged them back down to their seats.

"So Olivia and I want to speak with you two about something important. We're not sure how you'll react to this surprise..." Before Olivia could finish, Marco interrupted her and told her to spill.

"We're both moving to live in Spain..... permanently," Charlotte added after a brief pause to compose herself. Both men were taken aback by the sudden unfortunate revelation.

The twins sat in disbelief, attempting to make sense of Charlotte's confession.

"Who the fuck made that decision? What makes you think that's a surprise?" Maurice doubted his ability to return to his senses.

The two men appeared to be in a state of total distress. Never in a million years did they expect something like this to happen. They'd just get up and walk away after being in a relationship for years, the two young men thought.

"I suppose we'd have a better chance modeling there than we would here." Charlotte shrugged her shoulders.

The twins were enraged at this moment because of the shocking news they had received.

"Was there any thought or consideration given to us?" Maurice locked his gaze on both girls.

"You two must've knocked your damn heads if you think you can just get up and leave." Marco spoke in a possessive manner.

He wasn't just speaking for himself, but also for his brother, who knew how much it would hurt if Olivia got up and walked away from him. After all, they were twins who went through everything together.

"This had to be a damn joke, because the answer is a resounding no. End of discussion." This was never going to happen, they'd go through hell before allowing their girlfriend to get up and walk away.

The twins wanted to take things one step at a time and weren't ready for a kid just yet, but if it meant knocking them up, they'd do it.

They were well aware that establishing a family would entail giving up some things they were unwilling to give up at this time, and Olivia and Charlotte were well aware of this. They would no longer be able to enjoy their alone time.

When they first began modeling, the twins were the ones that solidified their women's place in the industry. They were able to create a successful career out of it by modeling for high-end companies like Gucci, which the twins had secured for them. The twins gave them whatever they desired.

As a result, hearing their partner say such nonsense astounded them.

Marco wiped his sweaty forehead with his handkerchief, feeling hot and irritated.

That's when both females busted out laughing while photographing the twins' shocked expressions.

"We're both joking, of course! You two, lighten up." Charlotte admitted that they had just played a joke on them.

Both women would never act in such a ludicrous manner. To the moon and back, they adored their guys. It was also wonderful to witness their possessiveness.

After realizing they had been holding their breath the entire time, the two men exhaled deeply.

"We all came up with a plan to help prank you two because Anna wanted payback for you guys playing so many dirty pranks on her." As they kissed the two men, Olivia confessed.

"So Anna organized everything?" Marco's question elicited laughs from both women, who were on the edge of tears.

"All we ask is that you aren't enraged by what transpired." With puppy eyes, Olivia added.

"Of course not, Anna is the main offender." Marco expressed his gratitude for the fact that they had been joking the entire time.

"However, we have a surprise in store for the two of you." Charlotte spoke up again, drawing the attention of the two men.

"No." Before getting up to pay the bill and departing the hotel with their ladies hand in hand, both men stated something in unison.

"I believe you'll enjoy what we have to offer." Charlotte attempted to persuade them.

"Does that have anything to do with making love in my bed tonight?" Maurice whispered something into Charlotte's ear, causing her to laugh and cling to him.

"Maybe, maybe not." She giggled to her own response.

"We have or had a present in mind, but after the stunt you two pulled, we decided against it." Maurice raised his voice.

"What surprise?"

Both males dragged the two girls to the park's pond, where they sat then gave each of them a key.

"What's this for?" Olivia jumped to her feet and excitedly clutched her chest.

"It's the keys to our new house," When Maurice responded to their query, it was clear that they were ready to take their relationship to the next level. They might now have complete access to their home.

Both women kissed the two males passionately before whispering in their ears;

"I love you."

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