Jungle Fever

226 9 1

Y/n= your name
N/n= nick name
S/c= skin color
~~~= time skip

Status: Unedited

"Ooh- I kinda missed this body!" Bethany checked out herself on the river below.

"Me too honestly." Spencer answered.

"Not me! I'm back to being small! I hate this guy." Fridge yelled, crossing his arms.

Martha laughed, "C'mon Fridge, it's not so bad."

He started at her, "What do you mean not so bad? We're stuck in this stupid game that tries to kill us every five minutes, and on TOP of that! IM A MIDGET."

"Hello brave heroes, welcome to Jumanji!" Nigel spoke.

"Yeah, yeah, Jumanji's in danger. Where do we find the new gem?" Fridge asked, cutting him off.

"I'm afraid this is not so easy. This is a much longer and dangerous task." Nigel said.

"There are four parts to this mission, the first one is retrieving the Jewel of San Angel. The Jewel will guide you to the remaining parts of the amulet."

The flashback showed a town of white buildings. A large population having a festival. Then the scene changed,

"The first part of the amulet is somewhere along the Firefalls. A small island surrounded entirely by fast rushing waterfalls, the water moves so fast it feels like you're being burned alive."

It showed a floating island with what looked to be a Japanese sanctuary in the heart of the island.

"In order to get the amulet, each one of you must pass the goddess, mind you she can be very tricky."

The scene presented a woman hiding under a pink paper umbrella.

"The next part of the amulet is found in the Temple of Tiour'i, careful though, they are quite cunning at their craft."

Suddenly a temple in the middle of the jungle, covered with vines and tree roots appeared. Inside you can see someone sitting on a golden throne.

"Finally the last part of the amulet is found only where the Jewel helps the helps the stone find light. Then, when you have all the pieces return the amulet to it's rightful owner. Remember, find the pieces, restore the light, do not look for fame. Once all has been restored, look towards Jumanji and call out its name."

The sequence ended and went back to normal, "Well Goodluck! And because this territory is difficult to understand, I've brought a guide to help you along the journey!" Nigel dropped off the group at the edge of the forest.

"Once again Goodluck! Jumanji thanks you!" Nigel drove off into the distance.

Spencer coughed, "Well, now what?"

"I think we just wait for that guide guy, the one Nigel said would take us?" Bethany looked towards Martha as she nodded.

Suddenly the trees move, "shh. I think someone's coming."

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