The Surprise Attack

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Anonymous POV

"We are ready," I told him, "all we need to know now is when and where."

All he does is stare at me, I can't see it, but I can feel it. He wears a black cloak with a hood that makes a dark shadow over his face. He sits in his thrown with a dim, yellow light behind him, exaggerating the shadow over his face. He raises his hand slowly pointing to a map on the wall, over to the left side of the room. "Yosetopia is next, they are growing too big, we must bring them down...."

"Yes master," I say to the almighty one, "when shall we do this?" I gulp and try to hide fear, but I'm not sure that it's working very well.


Arc's POV

I wake up with a jump, to the sound of a something falling hard on the floor and then a huge shake within the walls of the castle. I get up quick, wondering, are all my mornings going to be like this? I get my boots and my crown on and head out. I go over to the front of the castle this time, and see a giant bolder in a few yards away. "What happened!?" I call out. Everyone that is already over there look too interested to answer my question, so I run over.

On the surface of the rock, there are weird looking, white characters that I remember seeing before:

حذار الأصدقاء

After looking at them for a while, I remember. It's Arabic, and it translates to: Beware Friends. And the first person that comes to mind? Well, I'm sorry to say, but I think Yose. I keep looking at the letters in wonder, and disbelief. Yose and I are barely just joining, and barely working either, she is trying to warm me, or it's not her and someone is trying to hurt us..

I shake that thought out mind, and tell everyone I'm going on a little trip to Yosetopia.

Time skip over into the woods

I'm riding on my horse, not alone, but with a friend coming along with me. The horse armor keeps shining every time we pass through the morning sunlight, nearly blinding me. Suddenly, I feel a strong, uncomfortable stare. I look back at my partner, and he seems to be keeping watch, so it can't be him. There's a sound of crunching leaves up ahead. Just a rabbit, I tell myself. But then I hear a thump and someone quickly running from one tree to another. Now I'm a little less convinced that it's just a rabbit. "Davy," I say in a worried whisper, "I don't think we're the only ones in the woods..."

Out of nowhere, there's an arrow shot at me from the left and it passes right in front of me, just barely missing. I look at where it hit the tree, and look right away at what direction it came from. I see a dark figure hide closer into the bushes. "Over there," I tell Davy pointing over in the direction I saw it.

We get closer, quietly, and slowly. I see a faint glowing light that gets brighter, and brighter, and brighter. Then suddenly, BOOM! A bright flash of blue light sends us flying back. Now the dark figure is up and running, and there's nothing I can do to stop it. My vision is slowly fading, as I hear nothing but a high pitched whistle. Everything fades to just a darker color, then it's just goes blank in less then five seconds.

Yose's POV

I'm on my way to Arc's castle, on horse back, to warm him about something, when I hear an arrow get shot. Me and my partner, Raven, stay still and as quiet as we can. We listen, and wait. Then, there's a huge flash of light, and we start riding towards it as fast as we can avoiding trees and jumping bushes. Once we get closer to where it happened, I see two figures lying in the dirt and leaves. One of them is trying to get up but failing while the other lays there lifelessly. We get closer and it's Arc! I jump off my horse quickly and start running towards them. "Arc," I cry, "what happened!?"

I get to his side and lift his head as high as I can and rest his head on the bend of my arm. I get my ear close to his nose and listen patiently, he's still breathing, steadily, but softly. "He's alive," I yell while my friend is helping up Arc's partner. We get the two on a horse and sit with them, but it's kind of hard for me, since he's asleep, I guess.

We get to my castle, and right away start yelling for help. Guards, cooks, and maids, all come rushing into the room. The guards help us bring them to a room (downstairs) I remember my father was in before he died. I can still imagine is pain face, sick in that room, just laying there helplessly. I shake my head, getting rid of that thought. We get the guys each onto a bed closest to the door. There are quite a few. We are then told to leave the room as the nurses rush in to aid.

I look over to Raven, "What do you think happened to them..?" She just shrugs and keeps her view to the floor, she looks like she's about to cry, so I sit very close to her and rap my arm around her shoulder. "What's the matter," I ask, "did it startle you to see them like that?" She just stares blankly at the floor.

She take's a deep breath and starts off, "It's not that.. it's just.." she sighs, "That was Davy.. I've known him since forever.. Well, it feels like it." She looks up at me as a tear rushes down her cheek. I wipe it away and before I could say anything, she starts again, "He.. he's like a brother to me, Yose, and.." She starts crying and I pull her in a close hug so she can sob into my shoulder.

She's always been there for me, so it's my turn to be there for her. Raven is an important part of my life, she always has been, we might not really talk as much as we use to, but she still is. I owe her for that.

Anonymous POV

I had no time to capture the two, I hear horses off in the distance and they were headed my way. I was in no mood for fighting, so I left. I get back to the hidden temple in the caves and walk to the thrown. "I have failed you, Master," I say ashamed, "I'm sorry.." The hole time, I'm kneeling down and staring at the ground.

"Face me, child," I hear the all mighty one say, "Now!" I look up quickly, almost shaking with fear. "You have not failed, you have simply changed my plans, in a good way. Go now, be gone!" I jump to my feet and run out. Joining the village outside, I take off my hat, which gives me my whole disguise.

"What happened in there?" asked one of the little ones.

I reply, "Nothing.. it doesn't matter." I walk to my little house, and I sit at my desk. I sit there, staring blankly at the papers in front of me. Then I realize what I'm staring at. They're my spells! There's one that I really like, very much. It's to take over someone else's body. Like another disguise! The one I already have bores me.. all it does is make me look like an ordinary villager, but I'm much more then that.. I'm a witch sent here by the master to do jobs for him and hide without really having to hide. If that makes any sense..

Anyway, I look at the spell, and all I really have to do is knock someone out and then chant these words that will make me be able to posses their body. I have a list of people that I could use. There's Lynda, James, Rick, Franny, Tim, and.. ooo, wait.I like this one...


Thank you so much for reading my story cx means tons to me! Hope you liked this one, i know ive been writing some pretty boring stories lately, but i worked extra hard on this one to make it as enjoyable as possible. Plz feel free to leave a comment saying whether or not you like it cx so ik what you guys like so that i can write future chapters enjoyable to you all! cuz all im really trying to do is give people something to read and enjoy, which i hope you are. So comment, vote, and share! Plz? would really appreciate it if you did cx share anywhere really. Give them a link ;)

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