Chapter 4

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5 years timeskip-

Rafel was now 17,he was tall,had blonde hair with red eyes and wore a single peircing in ear.

He had his peerage complete in these 5 years,He travelled human realm few times and managed to complete his peerage.

First was his Bishop Elise Argento,She was a member of church and  accidentaly healed a devil and church attacked her,And Rafel saw it and he killed all the priests and asked Elise to be his bishop and she agreed.Later she devloped feelings for Rafel which she shared and Grace was alright in sharing Rafel with her.

Next was kirito,He was a surviver of holy sword project and he was perfect experiment,he was able to wield both holy and cursed swords after being reincarnated as devil.

Zoro was diiferent case,he belonged to a diiferent world but he got lost and ended up in devil realm where Rafel took him in his peerage as knight after beating crap out of zoro when he challenged him to fight.

Once When Rafel and Grace visited human realm they ran up into a boy with white hair and he told them that he is running from his grandfather and his family wants to kill him,Rafel took valli with him as well and they Became best friends.

Rafel saved Kuroka after she killed her master by loosing control of her powers and became stray devil,but Rafel proved her innocence and even saved All Neko's and they agreed to teach senjutsu to all phenex houshold for the eternity and undying loyalty to phenex family.

Next was bakugo,he had some weird power called quirk which allowed him to make explosion with his fist and he also joined Rafel but he is arrogant and disrespectful sometimes.

Next is Son Goku,He actually doesn't belong to earth he came from a long extinct planet called planet vegeta who was destroyed by some unknown forces and he end up landing of earth and he is a fun guy,Childish personality,and battle freak.

Rafel returned to phenex castle after 5 years for the first time with Grace and Elise while other members were on holidays.

The three entered the palace and saw lord phenex and he said"Who are you,and how did you enter"But he instantly noticed the earing he was wearing and he then looked at the silver haired girl and instantly recognised them and said"Rafel,I am glad that you came back,i thaught you forgot about us,And go meet your mother first she missed you more than anyone here"

"Ofcourse,Father how can i forgot my family and I know mother missed me and  I missed mother too,you know,After all i am her favourite child"Said Rafel with a big smile

"Oh,thats you are,still mama's boy" Laughed Lord phenex while rafel puffed his cheecks like a kid

"I am not that"Replied Rafel and then grace put her hands on his face and said"You are and you always will be"

Now rafel got annoyed and said"Is there a problem being a mama's boy,You always bully me,Grace,See elise is more better than you"and he put his head on elise chest.

"Hey you pervert stay away from her tits,this is not bedroom,you stupid golden fried chicken"Said Grace and dragged Rafel with his ear to Lady phenex's room

Lady phenex was sitting on a chair but suddenly stood up and ran toward her son and hugged him and said"My little rafel,how are you,Oh,i missed you"

"I missed you too mother now let me go i can't breath"Said Rafel and freed himself from his mother

Grace looked at elise and said"I told you he is mama's boy"on which elise nodded and said"He indeed is but i have no problem with that"

Lady phenex looked at two girls and said"Why you always bully my cutie son,Grace"

"I am not bullying him,instead he bully me"replied grace

"And how does my little boy bully you"Asked Lady phenex

"Your little boy isn't little anymore my lady and he have a big d-and before she could finish elise put her hand on her face and said"Its nothing lady phenex she wanted to say that Rafel is now grown up"

Now lady phenex grabbed rafel's ear and twisted it and he whimmed and she said"You two had sex,and you took innocence of little grace and elise over ther,I can't believe my son have a harem,I never knew you were like riser"

"Mother is not harem you know,its only two of them and nobody else and i am not pervert like Brother Riser"Said Rafel defending himself

"And what about you did outside in hall"Said Grace from behind

"That was accident and where is Ravel i haven't seen her in quite some time,She was chibi last time i saw her"Said Rafel

"Ravel is with Riser,i don't know where,you know that stupid man does not tell anyone about anything"Said Lady phenex

"Don't be like that he is still my brother even though he changed very much from past,but only thing that isn't changed is his perversion"Said Rafel and all of them laughed and suddey a magic circle appeared in the room and Sirzechs and Grafiya came out of it.

Rafel and other greeted each other and rafel asked"What happened Sirzechs why are you here"

"I need your help Rafel"Said Sirzechs

"How can i help you"Asked Rafel

"You know kuoh city in human realm"Asked Sirzechs

"Yes,that city is under Rias gremory as i know"Said rafel

"Yes,it is but there is a problem"Said Sirzechs

"What is it"Asked Rafel

"See i recived some complains from Angels that Rias is letting fallens enter the city and human are getting killed by fallens for their sacred gears ans other reason and i want you to go and take some actions on this and found out why these fallens are coming and why rias isn't taking any actions on them"Explained Sirzechs

"Alright then i will leave tommorw for kuoh city then,i will inform you about it if i found anything"Said Rafel

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