Past memories

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You dangle your feet off a wall. You were sitting on one of the stone bridges.

"You know, if the teachers catch you they're going to be mad. Kids aren't supposed to do this." You looked up and saw Albus. You and Albus were in your first year and in Gryffindor.

"Yeah, but they won't catch me." You said. "Teacher's rarely come up here. I'm fine Albus." Albus rolled his eyes. "Sit down, this is a really good view." You pulled him down next to you.

"Wow." Albus said. "This is a good view." He looked at you and smiled. You smiled back.


Albus was teaching and you were wandering around the school. It had been a while since you'd been to Hogwarts. You saw the quidditch pitch and remembered you had been a Gryffindor chaser. Soon you found yourself standing on a stone bridge. You smiled and walked over to a view hole and sat down on the ledge.

"You know, if the teachers catch you they're going to be mad." Albus said.

"They won't catch me." You replied. Albus smiled.

"Is it still a nice view?" He asked. You nodded.

"Care to join me?" You asked, looking up at Albus. Albus sat down next to you.

"I remember when we were in school we would come up here all the time." Albus said. "We never got caught." You smiled at the memory.

"We'd come up here in every weather that we were let outside in." You said. "I remember one time it rained on us and snowed on us at the same time." Albus chuckled.

"I remember that too." He said. "I remember when we got back we were covered in snow."

"Everyone was." You said. "But for some reason the teachers were only mad at us."

"Maybe they knew where we had gone." Albus said.

"They didn't stop us from going." You reminded him.

"True." Albus checked his watch. "Oh, I gotta go. Classes."

"See you later Albus." You said, standing up with him. "Good luck." Albus gave a small smile.

"Thanks. See you later y/n." He walked away.


You were at the sorting ceremony in your first year and you were really nervous.

"Albus Dumbledore." Albus walked up to the stoll. You had met him on the train and the two of you had instantly become friends. The sorting hat was placed on Albus' head.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled out. A table erupted with cheers. A few more names were read "RAVENCLAW! HUFFLEPUFF! SLYTHERIN! HUFFLEPUFF!" Finally your name was called.

"y/n l/n." You walked up to the stoll and sat down. The sorting hat was placed on your head. Instantly you heard a voice. 'Hm... where to put you...' Silence. 'Definitely not Slytherin...' Silence. 'Hm... what will it be...' More silence. 'Ah I have it!'

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled. Applause from the Gryffindor table. You sat down next to Albus with a smile on your face.


You had left Hogwarts last week. Albus had promised to write you at least two letters in a week. He had. You folded up his most recent one and watched the owl who had delivered it fly away. You smiled. You missed Albus. And you knew he missed you.

Dear y/n,

I miss you a lot. I come out to our spot every day to watch the sun rise and set. It makes me think of you. I wish you were a teacher here but I know you aren't good with kids and you'd rather be independent. I can't wait to see you again.


You watched as the sun rose above the rocky mountains and glanced across a lake. You imagined Albus standing on the stone bridge watching the sun set. Thinking of you.

"I miss you too, Albus." You whispered. You turned away from the sunrise and walked along the rocky ridge waiting for something to come your way. 

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