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Unexpected Powers.


No power? In their world, it's still common. But people in here could agree that with no power, the person is useless. From the bottom of the sea to the tip of the mountain, those with power talents will end up looking down to those with only ordinary skills.

So what if they have powers? Will they still have the strength? They will just end up underestimating themselves because of relying too much on their powers. He knew that backfires are words for a reason, and karma will have an eye on every person. A gold heart and a steel strength will always win.

Looking around him, his brows turned into a frown before letting out a heavy sigh when a little child rudely glared at him.

'Most people really are such brats.' He said to himself before shaking his head and closing his wooden window which prevented any eyes to see through the other side.

Tomorrow will be his 16th birthday, but nothing to look forward to, perks of being lonely with no friends but it doesn't matter to him since he was used to it anyway.

He took an apple from the basket above the table of his and took a bite while looking at it, his face was filled with the waves of loneliness, yet he denies to feel that way even though his eyes says otherwise. He then spent his time just reading a few old books.

After reading three of the books, he looked at the clock on the wall and smiled sadly before closing the book. It is now 11:47, almost his birthday.

He placed the book on the shelves among the other books before walking towards his room while holding the lit lamp, he already read all of the books for so many times but they could never tire him. Reading was his only room of making his time useful.

He sat on the hard bed, looking out the open window, the village was currently filled with darkness, void of any people that he does not even like very much. Only his lamp gave him the light to see through the darkness surrounding him.

He then turned off the lamp which finally allowed the darkness to come in.

He laid on his own bed before closing his eyes, he was about to fall sleep when he felt a burning sensation yet a cold sensation was also present around him.

He opened his eyes but everything around him was so dark and blurry. Slowly, he closed his eyes and drifted into a deep sleep.

He woke up because of the light from the window hitting his eyes, he then sat up on the bed before looking around him. He was shocked seeing everything in a mess.

"What happened here!?" He asked in confuse shock. All he could remember last night was feeling a hot and cold sensation all together, that alone is even enough to give him a shiver.

He just shook his head and ignored it since nothing was missing anyway. In-fact, he wouldn't care if something really went missing, there is nothing valuable for him to hide.

He stood up from the bed and took a bath inside his little bathroom before putting on his clothes and going to school.

He goes to a school of powerless children. In that school, they only learn a few histories of the world, about the dangers and then they will be training physical fighting skills to train themselves because of course, they don't have any powers.

While in the other school, it is more of a good taste and more beautiful compared to his, they have huge battle grounds for training with their powers.

He went inside the school and walked towards his classroom before going inside. Of course, compared to the school of powerful and magical children, they don't have second floors or stairs.

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