Chapter 2

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Neziko's POV

When we arrived the the house that my sisters working at then we entered the house some lady greet us and we asked if we could get an appointment to my sisters and then she said yes and guided us to a room, and then we sat down and waited for my sisters to come and then uzui-san asked

Uzui : so what do they look like?are they flamboyant beautiful?

Neziko : ah yes they are my big sisters look so beautiful!

Sanemi : tch the fuck I care what they look like!

Neziko glared at saneme

Neziko : please watch your language

Then they heard the door open then revealed a three woman, the other one had yellow hair woman and yellow eyes , then other had a dark blue haired with a light blue on the tips of her hair and green emerald eyes and the last one had a dark maroon hair and maroon with little pink eyes with a scar on left side of her forhead

The three boy were shocked and blushing because of their beauty, they were silent neziko noticed it and started to smirk then talk to her sisters

Neziko : big sister it's been a long time since I saw you 😄 and I miss you so much 😢

Sumiko : ara~ my cute little sister I missed you too 😀

Zenko : neziko-chan you grew up much 😄now I miss the time when you were little I can't carry you now that you've grown😔

Neziko : 😅

Inoko : hi neziko and who and what does this shittyheads doing here!

Zenko quickly covered sumiko's ears and glared at Inoko and shouted at inoko and saneme was about to answer back when zenko shouted

Zenko : inoko don't cuss in front of sumiko-chan!

Inoko : ah right! sorry about that I forgot to not cuss in front of sumiko

Then zenko remove her hands on sumiko's ears

Sumiko : what did inoko say earlier zenko?

Then neziko and zenko sigh in relief the there boys were sweat dropping at their siblings antantics then uzui asked neziko

Uzui : why do they can't cuss in front of that maroon hair lady

Neziko : ah because big sister is innocent and sanemi-san don't you dare cuss in front of her *with a dark aura*

Sanemi : uh okay 😑

Neziko : so I think you should introduce yourself

Sumiko : ara~ sorry for not introducing earlier my name is kamado sumiko I'm neziko's older sister😄

Zenko : my name is agatsuma zenko ☺

Inoko : I'm hashibara inoko

Giyuu : tomiyoka giyuu

Uzui : I'm flamboyant uzui tengen!

Sanemi : tch sanemi shinazugawa

Sumiko : so what are you doing here neziko

Neziko : so big sister were here for a mission to kill the demon here and take you three to the headquarters

Sumiko : take us to the headquarters?

Neziko : yes so that you and sisters are safe

Zenko : oh okay

Sumiko : I'm excited we could spend a lot time together~ 😄

Inoko : when will we go there?

Neziko : after we kill the demon

Inoko : oh okay

Uzui : it's okay to you to throw away your position as an oiran?

Sumiko : ara~ I don't care about my position as long as I can spend my time with my sisters

Zenko : wuaaa sumiko-chan your so sweet!*hugged sumiko*😢

Inoko : 😢

Neziko : thank you big sister 😢

Sumiko : but there's a rule here that we can't quit unless
we get married 😔    

Neziko : huh?

Zenko : sumiko-chan is right

Neziko : then why don't you pretend that your getting married

Zenko : huh what are you talking about

Neziko : I mean you guys should pretend that your getting married

Sumiko : I'm okay with that but who should we pretend with?

Neziko : can you guys could pretend with my sisters that your getting married?*looking at the boys*

Uzui : yes we can *looking at zenko*

And zenko didn't notice uzui staring at her

Neziko : okay.giyuu-san with sumiko-nee-chan,uzui-san with zenko-nee-chan,and saneme-san with inoko-nee-chan

The boys were blushing and happy that their paired with
the one they have a crush with

To Be Continued

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