~Justice For The Lonely Fish~

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     They stood staring at each other for like ten seconds. "So what now?" Themis asked, squeezing an entire bottle of chocolate syrup onto her nutella sandwich. Comet shrugged, staring at the sandwich with utter disgust. "Want some?" Themis held out her sandwich to Comet who pulled away with concern for Themis's well-being.

    " Do you have literally anything else?" Themis stared at her unblinkingly.


    The black hole disappeared without warning- it just randomly disappeared. How? Once again we don't know, but it did.

       Now, back to what we actually care about. Which is Themis's sandwich which eventually consisted of bread, graham crackers, marshmallows, nutella, chocolate syrup, chocolate ice cream, chocolate sprinkles, rainbow sprinkles, chocolate chips, m&ms, and crushed oreos. 

    Themis finished her sandwich in three seconds flat while Comet was giving her the most disturbed looks. "Yikes," Comet muttered under her breath. 

    "Take a picture, it will last longer." Themis said while posing for said picture, which Comet happily took. With what phone? Again we do not know. " How do I look? I bet that I look amazing." Themis said, looking over at the picture. 

   "What an appealing facial structure." Comet said completely expressionless. 

   Themis gave her a weird look. " Thanks, I guess?" 

   "How else can I express myself but to say it is my pleasure?"

    At this point Comet is pretty much homeless, seeing as a black hole took her away from her home- Once again irrelevant to the story but continuing on- Days went by and they formed a friendship. Comet still does not know how she got there in the first place and Themis still does not know why Comet speaks so strangely, but their friendship endured. 

   In fact, their friendship was so strong that Themis decided to take Comet to school with her. But first, they needed to go shopping because Comet had no clothes seeing as she was brought to a different dimension through a blackhole that appeared out of nowhere. Plus Themis just wanted an excuse to go shopping. 

    Because neither girl actually knows how to drive, Themis decided they needed to open up a black hole to the mall. Therefore, she decided to make another sandwich because in her mind that is how black holes are made. 

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