~Just A Lonely Fish~

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    As an abomination came into being, the earth was still, for this abomination was so insignificant that nothing happened. One would expect the world to care about a creature of such darkness but apparently not. This abomination's  parents did not care enough to come up with an actual name for such an unimportant creature. Fortunately for the child, she would not go nameless forever since a comet happened to pass by. When her parents saw it they decided  just to name it comet so they would not have to think about it any longer.

   As the years go by the darkness inside the child only grew stronger. " Gain possession of this arsenal forged without light and tell me what you see. A pen or a pistol?" Comet said while looking at the stars, with no prompting whatsoever. It was at this moment she was randomly sucked into a portal. "Oh birthgiver, we will all perish!" She screamed before landing in a random stranger's kitchen. 

   "Why did you summon me?" Comet asked.

   "Why did you destroy my sandwich?" The stranger replied as she was making a new sandwich.


Authors' note:  the chapter is short to mirror her insignificance in the world and definitely not because we were lazy. 

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