~Scales of Justice~

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      As the earth shook a miracle was born. This miracle had blue eyes and blonde hair. The moment everyone laid eyes on this miracle, they instinctively knew that this child was a girl... also that she was destined for greatness but that's irrelevant to the story. Her parents knew that there was only one name for a child as flawless as this miracle. That is why they named her Themis.

    Themis grew up as all children do. But unlike most children, Themis did not grow up to be an arrogant brat, she just happened to know her worth and that her worth was much more than everyone else's. She knew that other people knew it as well. She could see it in the way they looked at her, astonished by her greatness. Her only flaw was being too perfect to the point where others felt inadequate in her presence. She hated making others feel unworthy of her presence but she just couldn't help being perfect all the time. She knew others talked about her behind her back, undoubtedly about how much they wish they could be her.

    But one day, her greatness went too far. While attempting to make the perfect nutella sandwich, she accidentally opened a portal. How? We don't know, her greatness was just that immense.

    As the galactic portal opened in the middle of the kitchen, Themis just stared at it. Angrily, for it had destroyed her sandwich. "Why has God forsaken me?" Themis asked, glaring at the stupid portal before making a new sandwich while sighing heavily. 

   Minutes later, there was a flash of light and from this light a darkness emerged. " Why did you summon me?" The darkness, which had now taken the form of a weak and feeble human, asked. "Why did you destroy my sandwich?"


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