19~ Reunion.

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I was rubbing my hands together nervously when I got to the front of my biological mother's house, she wasn't living in the same town as us, so we had to leave home early this morning to arrive here.

"she will be so happy to see you" hafsa said when she noticed how nervous I was,

"okay" I said sighing.

Aman drove I and hafsa here, he only wanted to drop us and return later but I pleaded with him to come in with me and he heeded.

I and Aman followed hafsa's directions and got to the inner part of the house, it looked like Aman was already familiar with it since he had been here before,

"you should sit down" hafsa said to I and Aman,

We followed her instruction and did just that,

"I think mum is in her room let me go get her" hafsa said as she left happily,


"mum I promise you'll like it" I heard hafsa saying distantly,

"really, what could that be?" I heard a woman's voice said, it looked like they were approaching where I and Aman were seated,

I started breathing heavily, Aman seems to notice this, so he whispered into my ear,

"say la ilaha illah llah"

I smiled at him when I heard what he said and continuously recited la ilaha illah llah, surprisingly I felt much relaxed and calm,

"salam alaykum" a woman said approaching us,

I looked up to her and it was like I was looking at a reflection of myself,

"walaykum salam" I and Aman replied in unison.

When she sat down,

"Aman my son, you're here after a very long time" she said,

"hope your trip wasn't stressful, hafsa told me you live in a different town now" she said smiling,

"Alhamdulillah it wasn't" Aman said, I only nodded since he had replied already,

"is she your new wife?" she asked Aman when she saw how closely we were seated,

Aman replied smiling, "yes ma"

"masha Allah she is so beautiful" she said,

"sorry hafsa didn't tell me who you're, please what is your name?" she asked,

"Fatima" I said smiling,

"Fatima" she said repeating my name,

"ma" I replied,

"beautiful name, I have a daughter bearing that name" she said sadly,

"she'll be almost your age now, I know she'll be beautiful just like you" she said with tears starting to form in her eyes,

"masha Allah" she added,

My heart clenched tightly when I heard her talk like this, it must have been very hard for her living with the thought that she has a daughter whom she doesn't know her where about and can't do anything about it apart from hoping and relying on Allah.

"mum do you know who is seated there?" hafsa said from the corner she was standing stylishly cleaning her tears,

"yes Fatima and Aman, she told me her name since you refused to" she said smiling victoriously,

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