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" Babie??!! "

" What? "

" Do you like Jin more than me?? "

" Yes!!"

" Don't you love me..?? "

" I do... "

" Then?? "

" Then what??!! "

" Babie... I get it... I've hurt you a lot in the past... I know you respect and trust Jin more than me... I hope I can earn your trust in time... It would be nice if you can stop hurting me in the name of revenge.. It's ok if you like him more than me... But dont say that to me... It hurts "

" Sorry Kookie.... Didn't mean to hurt you... But you asked for it... "

" Yeah right... My bad!! Can i ask you one more awkward question , if you don't mind... If you feel uncomfortable no need to answer.. "

" Go ahead Kookie... I think it's time for us to share our reality... "

" Yeah... Exactly how close are you both?? You and Jin?? "

" Pretty close... Have any problem??!! "

" No babie just wanted to know... I know he had feelings for you but did you have feelings for him ?? "

" I never had feelings for him or anyone other than you... But we were pretty close to the point we cuddle, we kissed, like we did every thing other than sex... He liked me that way... But he moved on at one point Do you have any problem with that?? "

" Oh... Babie... I know how husband and wifes can be... But i just wanna know , if I'm the only one in your life right now..??I don't care about your past with Jin present is enough for me... You moved on right??"

" Not now Kookie, all my life.... It's only you , Trust me when I say you are the only man in my life..."

" Thank you Tae... That's enough for me."

Jungkook flashed a fake happy smile and narrowed his eyes to the road, he whole heartedly trusts his cub but the way Taehyung preferred Jin him really hurts him. He knows he deserves this but he still couldn't take this. Tears formed in his eyes thinking about Taehyung's words.

It's your fault...

You lost his trust!!! Damn!!

" Kookie?? "

" Yes babie... "

" What's wrong ?? Stop the car.... "

" Nothing babie... Nothing is wrong.. I'm okay..." Jungkook stopped the car in one side end of the road.

" Jungkook you are not okay... Look at me... See the way you are gripping at the steering wheel?? What's bothering you.?? Jin?? "

" No babie... Please let's go home and talk about it... Yeah?? "

" Ok.. But I'm driving now... Shift here to passenger side.... "

" Ok.. " Jungkook don't wanna argue he got out and in swift motion he wiped his tears.. He don't want Taehyung to see him in this vulnerable state. He sits in the passenger side and Taehyung drives them to the apartment.

Jungkook sat calm without any words throughout the journey. Taehyung parked the car and they entered Jungkook's apartment. Jungkook flashed another smile looking at Taehyung and asked..

" Babie.. What shall I order you for dinner?? "

" I'm not hungry Kookie... Let's decide later? I'll cook if you want.."

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