6.Lost love

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Year 2021 , In Korea.

Jeons mansion,After marriage ceremony.

After the train of thoughts  and beautiful yet bitter flashbacks, Taehyung is frustrated, thinking about Jungkook's calculative move from the very first day they met.

Every single thing happened that day is an act of yours...

Jungkook is a efficient cop and also a casual actor

I'm neither going to believe his words nor going to fall for his act again

Never again

Those thoughts are running in his brain again and again , Jimin sensed his uneasyness and pressed his hand to make him comes out of the trans state and both started their dinner.

Elders toasts for the couples and soon the dinner gets over and everyone started leaving the table.

Taehyung took Jiminy's hand and left the table to his room. Jin is talking to his parents about some post wedding arrangements.. So Tae took Jimin to his room for small talk.

Soon Jungkook followed Tae to apologize , when he tried to stop Tae in front of Jin'sroom. Tae started yelling at him saying

" You are no one to me, don't try to pull that innocent act again " Tae shouted and Jimin patted his back to calm him down. Jungkook is stunned to hear this tone.

Jin can hear the yellings near his room and walks towards his room to see what's going on. Seeing Taehyung's agitated state and Jungkook standing there he got confused..

Tayhyung stayed calm seeing Jin's intimidating stare towards Jungkook. Jungkook stood unbothered.

He looked at Jin and said..

" Stay away.... U don't have to interfere in this matter" Jungkook said

Jin lost his patience yet he softly walks towards Tae and takes his hand in his hand and looked at Jungkook

" Tae is my wife... You have no rights to hurt him or even speak to him without my interference

You lost him the day you said you didn't love him, now getlost from here and don't come near us"

It felt like a stab to Jungkook's heart , he left the house without turning back. Tae and Jimin are just standing there with a blank look in their eyes

Jin slowly took Taehyung in to his room and not before giving Jimin his assurance to take best care of his friend. Jimin noded his head and left Taehyung's hand, and mouthed the words "Call me" then he left the mansion.

Jimin rushed outside the gate to find Jungkook. He is also angry with Jungkook but deep inside he felt something is out of place.

He clearly saw regrets and tears??? in Jungkook's eyes in the ceremony hall, back in dinner place and now before Tae's room. Jimin felt different , it's not old Jungkook who rejected Tae for some lame reason.

Yet... Taehyung couldn't see everything with his emotionally agitated state. Jimin started analysing logically , why Jungkook rejected Tae if he liked him this much. Now he needs clarity.

Jimin couldn't find Jungkook and dropped the plan of knowing the truth. What happened is happened, nothing can be changed. Knowing things will hurt more. So he decided to focus on Taehyung's happiness.

Jungkook left to his apartment and cried the whole night thinking of Taehyung. He now know the pain Tae went through... He broke two hearts that day

Nothing breaks like a heart...

FORELSKET Taekook  |√<|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें