Senior Year

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I dropped the needle on my record player, Custer by Slipknot filling my speakers as I started doing my makeup for the day. As usual it consisted of heavy eyeliner and a dark lipstick. I put on a Metallica shirt I had cut into a crop top, a pair of black jeans, some chains and a belt, and my leather jacket as I finished getting ready for school; my first day of senior year. 

I turned off my record player as I left, grabbing my bag and guitar from by the door where I left them the night before. "Bye Mom!" I called out. No answer. Figures. She was probably hungover or drunk. As usual. I put on my headphones as I began to walk the few blocks to my new school, putting my metal playlist on shuffle. After my dad died in August, I had to move in with my Mom which meant a new city, new people, and a new school.

I took a deep breath as I walked through the heavy double doors, turning the music in my headphones up a little bit louder as I entered my new hell. A few people glanced at me as I walked around the school to find my locker, but barely anyone even noticed I was there. Anxiously, I twisted the ring on my index finger as I walked the halls, every now and then glancing at my phone to double check my locker number until I found it: 387. I opened it, dropping my bag on the shelf so I could open it and look through it. I pulled out the piece of paper with my timetable on it. I had music first. Well, at least my first class wouldn't be too soul crushing to start the day. I zipped up my bag and slung it on my shoulder before closing my locker to see a boy at the locker next to mine. 

One side of his head was shaved, but he had beautiful long brown hair. And maybe I was distracted by him or the music in my headphones made it so I couldn't hear anything around me but either way, I didn't notice the other boy standing directly behind me until I turned around and almost crashed into him. "What the hell!" I said, startled, pulling off my earbuds.

"Hey." The boy said, smirking. He was wearing a letterman jacket and had blond hair. Let me guess, his entire personality was being on the football team. "You're new here aren't you." I tensed.


"Well, I can show you around if you want. I can show you a few things too." He looked me up and down, his eyes stopping at a few uncomfortable places. He reached out to touch my arm and I pulled away from him.

"You ever try to touch me again and I will stomp your fucking face in." I pushed past him, flipping him off as his eyes followed me. 

I walked to the music room, looking down at my schedule to double check that I was in the right place as I entered the room. I looked around, only a few other kids in the room. I sat down in a chair in the back of the room, trying not to attract too much attention to myself. The class started to fill up, the seat next to me remaining empty. How surprising. As the bell rang, one more person walked in: the boy with the long hair from the lockers. He looked around the room seeing that every chair was filled except the one next to me. He said down, dropping his backpack and guitar on the ground next to him. I glanced at the Slayer shirt he was wearing and I smiled a bit before looking away.

"Good morning and welcome to senior music. This is a course focused on individuality and at the end of the year, each of you must perform a piece of your choosing in front of the school. You are all permitted to choose your own instruments or to sing and you may choose every song you wish to perform for each assessment. For today, we're going to get to know everyone in this class." The teacher said, a series of groans coming from a few people, "When your name is called, come to the front of the class and say your top 3 music influences, what instrument you play, and what your favorite song is. Let's start with..." She continued to call out peoples names and one by one, they came up to the front of the class as I tuned them all out. Until...

"Hunter Sylvester." The teacher called and the boy next to me stood up, walking to the front of the class. I sat up a little bit straighter.

"Hi. I'm Hunter. My top 3 influences are Slayer, Judas Priest, and Metallica, I play electric guitar and I sing, and my favorite song is Whiplash by Metallica."

He walked back and sat down again. 

"And last, Y/n L/n."

I tensed slightly as I stood, walking to the front of the room.

"I'm Y/n. My top 3 influences are Slipknot, Metallica, and Flyleaf, I sing and play electric guitar, and my favorite song is Asylum by Vended."

As I walked back and sat down, I felt eyes on me and pretended like I didn't notice half the room staring. 

"Thank you all. For your first project, I want everyone to choose a partner and decide on a song to play. We will be presenting these in class next Monday. There's still a few minutes left until next period so partner up and head to a practice room to start working."

Shit. I hated partner work. Mainly because no one had ever wanted to be my partner. I looked around the room as everyone else partnered up with people. I spun my ring again. "Hey." I turned to Hunter.

"Hey." I replied. 

"I'm Hunter."


"Do you want to be partners for this? No one else in here listens to good music."

"Sure yeah."

"Cool." He stood up and grabbed his guitar, I did the same and we walked to a practice room with a couple amps.

We took out our guitars and plugged in.

"So what song did you want to do?" He asked, making eye contact with me. His eyes were a warm brown; they felt inviting.

"Honestly I'm not sure, you can choose if you want." I anxiously tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

He paused for a second. "You mentioned liking Metallica. How about For Whom the Bell Tolls?"

"Yeah that works, I already know it."

"Me too. You want to play lead?"

"Sure." I smiled. "Would you sing then?"

"Yeah sure that works. We need to find a backing track though."

"That shouldn't be too hard. Should we work on the guitar part right now?"

He nodded, moving his chair closer to mine. My stomach filled with butterflies for a second. He was one of the most attractive people I'd ever met. He ran a hand through his hair as he counted us in.

"One, two, three, four, one two." We started the song and I played the opening riff as he hit power chords. He looked up at me and smiled as I nailed each note. I gave a small smile back. Why did he already make me nervous? I only met him less than an hour ago. 

We played through the song. "Wow you're really good." He grinned.

"Thanks." I looked down at the ground as heat rose to my cheeks, "You too."

"You're new here right? I don't remember seeing you around last year."

"Yeah I moved here a few weeks ago."

"That's cool." The bell signaling the end of class rang and we packed up our guitars. "What class do you have?" He asked.

"Math I think. You?"

"English. Guess I'll see you around then." He smiled as he began to leave the room.

"Guess so." I smiled back as he left. I grabbed my things and headed to my math class but I wasn't paying attention to any of it. I was... a bit distracted to say the least.

More Metal Than You - Hunter Sylvester x Reader (Metal Lords)Where stories live. Discover now