My First Day

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Maya's POV

"Maya, how would you feel about coming in on Friday to get acquainted with the studio and start paperwork so we can get you hired and on the team?

HUH?! Did I just hear Matthias correctly? He wants ME, a girl with barely any film experience and still in college. to work at his YouTube studio?!

"Yes. I would love to!"
"Sweet, why don't you come over Friday morning so we can get you electronically set up with our system then we can head to the office to make sure everything works and even give you a tour!"

"Alright, I'll see you two then!"

I pack up my equipment before saying goodbye to Matt and Amanda.

Driving home felt like a blur, all I could think about was Wow, I'm not even out of college and I already have this awesome job opportunity with another film producer. Amanda told me about different projects she helped Matthias do while he was still home based before getting a studio.

*Time skip to Friday*

I was way too excited to sleep last night, it's my first day as an employee at Hi 5 Studios!

While I was wide awake, I decided to be helpful for myself this morning and ironed out my outfit (*insert your outfit here*).

I walk into my bathroom and redo my braids then put on some light makeup.

By 8 I was out the door. Since I didn't have to meet Matt at his house until 9, I decided to go get donuts at *insert favorite donut shop*. Grabbing my donut and iced/hot coffee I sat down at a small table in the corner. Scrolling through my phone and various things, I noticed it was 8:35, don't want to be late!

I grabbed a half dozen donuts before leaving to give to Matt and Amanda as a small thank you.

The drive from the donut shop wasn't as far as I thought it was and arrived about 10 minutes early. I took this time to gain my composure and made sure I had everything I needed.
-my wallet
-any documents I thought Matt would need
-my laptop
-a notepad
-my camera since I figured I could document this experience
-sd card

"Hey YouTube! My name is Maya Kendal and today marks a very important day. It's my first day at Hi 5 Studios! I'm currently sitting outside of Matt and Amanda's house so I can get started. It's actually time for me to go inside, so I'll see you guys inside!"

*knock knock*

"Hey Maya, is that donuts?"
"Yeah, I got some for you two for breakfast!"
"Aw that's so nice of you! Come on in so we can get started"

The next couple of hours was pretty boring, just creating new emails under the company address. Matt also created a vlog channel for my personal use, which I can document my journey at Hi 5 at.

*small skip to the studio tour*

"This here is Hi 5 Studios! It's small but we can make do here. If it's okay with you, we were thinking you could share an office with Gunner until we can get you your own?"
I nod, taking in the small first floor that will soon be like a second home to me.

"Let's see if he's in there actually!"
He leads me towards a closed door and knocks, the door swings open and there's


"Bryan?!" "Maya?!"

Matt and Gunner sit there confused, "You two know each other?"
"Yes, he was my physical therapist in high school!" I give back the hug I was currently receiving from Bryan.

"Wow, what are you doing here?"
"I just got hired by Matt, I could also ask the same to you?!"
"I'm a part of Team Edge now. I quit my job at the therapy place a little bit after you left to do YouTube full time!"

"Not to interrupt you guys, but I came in to introduce Gunner and Maya since they'll share an office..."
"Oh is that what this table was for?" Gunner starts taking things off of presumably my desk and onto his.

"Well, I'll leave you two be to get acquainted and set up your desk!"

After Matthias and Bryan leave, I sit at my new desk and take it all in. It's a small room, but I won't complain since the team
just finished moving in.

"Maya, right? I'm Gunner it's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you to! So how long have you been here?"
"Just a couple of months. I actually started when Team Edge was filming out of Matt's house."


"Oh! Give me just one sec Gunner, I have to answer this call."

"Am I speaking with Maya Kendal?"
"Yes...? Who is this?"
"Oh great! My name is Lauren Summers with the California Golden Bears Athletics. You have had a very impressive run with your team at UCLA so I wanted to reach out and see if you wanted to come try out
for the volleyball team?"
Me? Am I hearing this right?
"Oh yes, I would love to."
"Great! Is this a good number to reach out to in the future?"
"Awesome! Now, what's a good email to send the information about try outs to?"
"Alrighty Maya, after this call I'll send you the info. We'll see you at try outs!"

This is insane. First, I start an awesome job in my field before I even graduate. Next, I get the most amazing opportunity to play for the Golden State Bears! What the heck!

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