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Maya's POV

Volleyball is one hell of a sport. If you really think about it, it's just an intense game of don't let the ball touch the ground.

I love it though, I've been playing since middle school. Right now, it's my senior year and practice has just begun for the summer. It's nice, having something to do for the weekdays and weekends off. Though, that's not exactly my case.

I spend a majority of my weekend at my physical therapists office. Mr. Bryan is absolutely the best. I've been with him since I started playing. Before me, he was my older brothers therapist, since he played basketball.

"Hi Maya, here for your appointment with Mr. Valle today?"
"Yes, ma'am!"
"Alrighty, you're all checked in, you can go ahead and go back!"

I head back into large room with different training equipment but I don't see my therapist. Peaking into the private rooms that have individual tubs and beds, I find him filling up a tub with ice.
"Maya! I figured today since you're first day back, we could get you started up with an once bath!"
I playfully groan and roll my eyes, he laughs. " That actually sounds perfect. My biceps and adductors (the inter thigh muscle) are super sore today."

I'm glad today I changed into my wet suit before hand. Gently sliding into the tub, I have no reaction. Getting into the ice cold water twice a week for seven years basically has no immediate reaction to me anymore. At least I don't show it, I may have a small wince of the initial reaction but I don't freak out.

an hour later

"Alright Maya, that's all for today! Do you wanna come back on Monday or Wednesday for some muscle therapy?"
"Hmm let's do Wednesday."
"Okay! See ya then!"
I wave goodbye and go to my car to drive home.

time skip to November
(sorry i didn't know what to write, so i'm skipping to senior night)

"Hey Mr. Bryan, I was wondering if you and your girls would like to come to my senior night this Thursday? You've been here my entire journey through volleyball and would love it if you and your family could come."
"Awe, yes! We would love to come, we'll see you on Friday!"
"See you then!"

Thursday could not come anytime sooner. Both of my parents, Darla and John, were going to be there but my older brother couldn't come. We have a large age gap, he's 30 and I'm 17, soon to be 18 December 16th.

He tries his best to be at my events, but with him being a sports caster and having kids, it's hard to come.

Even though it hurts, having Mr. Bryan and his girls coming makes up for it.


Todays the day! It's only 8am and my game is at 6, but the anticipation is keeping me going. I start off my school day driving to the college. My school offers dual enrollment, so I took advantage of that by taking all of my required basic courses. When I go to California State University, these credits will transfer so all I would have to worry about is program based courses.

Film Production has always been something that has peaked my interest. After thinking about it and about my future, I realized that I would want to make a career out of it so I made that my major.

After my classes at the college, I drove to my high school for the second half of the day. It flew by fast and soon, I was in the gym with the rest of the senior volleyball players.

Soon enough, the gym filled with parents and classmates to cheer on their fellow friends. Scanning the crowd, I spotted Mr. Bryan and his wife Sarah, two daughters Ariana and Isabella. I gave a quick wave before turning back to the team.

The game starts.
It was an intense first half, but we scored 5-2. As it hit half time, the announcer called all parents of seniors to find theirs and we got ready to walk.

after the game
The final score was 15-9, we won!!
I congratulated everyone on the team for a great game and chatted with a few of the other teams players for a few minutes. Afterwards, I grabbed my bags and went to find my parents. To my surprise, Ariana and Isabella

were waiting for me with a bouquet of flowers!
"Awe, thank you girls!" I gave them all hugs.
"Wonder game Maya! I had no idea what was happening but I was cheering for you!"
I laugh, "Thanks Sarah! And thank you so much for coming, it means a lot."
"No problem, I wouldn't want to miss my favorite patients senior night!"
We all laugh.
"Alright Darla and John, sorry to cut this short, but we gotta get the girls home for bed"
"Okay, nice to see you!We'll get in touch with you for Mayas next appointment!"

~and that's the end!
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.
This chapter also takes place in 2014, but going forward it'll be 2016 and on unless specified

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