chapter 32

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Tavern on Tatooine

In a tavern on Tatooine, it was crowded with many different species that were all doing various things. Many of them were either gambling, drinking, looking over bounties, talking, or just listening to the musicians playing jizz.

Occasionally their would be fights with some even dying in the process, but right now it was mostly tame for the most part.

The area where this tavern was located at was next to a busy spaceport which attracted the attention of criminals, fugitives, smugglers and even bounty hunters.

There was countless peices of information that the tavern held because of gossip going in and out of the area. If you wanted information or news about something, this would be the best place. But going here could come at a cost. Not just because of money, but also because of how dangerous it was.

Walking into this area alone could get anyone killed if they wasn't careful enough and even if you was the risk of death was still high. Almost everyone in some form had either killed someone or done something illegal in their time and they weren't afraid to do it again.

And in the middle of all of this was a figure wearing a brownish hood that covered their face and entire body. The person was noble Six and he was sitting down in the corner alone waiting for someone.

Many of those that had seen him had mistaken him for a bounty hunter causing them to leave him alone, but there was one group that was looking directly at him. The small group consisted of two unknown species that six didn't recognize and a human which seemed to be the leader of the small group.

They've been looking at him ever since he came in, but he wasn't going to do something about it until they sealed their fate.

A few minutes later two figures also wearing hoods arrives before sitting down with six.

"For a galaxy that boast about their living standards, this certainly doesn't meet to what they say." A feminine voice says facing six.

"And how exactly do you know they boast about that?" A cold voice says as she finishes speaking.

"Because of what I do best. Hacking. Their is almost nothing that I won't be able to hack through."

"Of course. Why did I even ask." He says looking at six before as he reaches in towards his chest to retrieve a big kukri knife before carving something on the table.

After their small conversation the female spreads a few pictures of ex-slaves that were now fighting for the rest of the slaves freedom.

"Six they want us to find any freedom fighters and slowly turn them into an organized militia." She says focusing back to what they came for.

"Once they make a reputation for themselves the recruitment of others could inspire others to join, but that is just a possibility." She says not sure this could work like they want.

"Because some of them are just empty shells thinking their freedom is just an illusion. Something not worth fighting for." Six says.

"Precisely. We can't force them to fight. We could only give them the tools to continue the fight if they actually do it."

"And if they are in a tight situation we could always just sneak in and give them a little hand if needed." The other person says as he continues to carve the table which shows a half detailed picture of a skull.

"But that comes at a risk. If we're caught. This could compromise us and this entire mission in the future." She says to him.

The man stops what's he doing before looking up at her before speaking. "You can't tell someone something if your a dead man. Worked out for six in the end."

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