Chapter 9

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I woke up in my nice warm bed when I realized something. There was someone staring down on me but I couldn't see their face. My hands were handcuffed to the bed. AND FOR ALL OF THOSE DIRTY MINDS OUT THERE THIS IS NOT PORN.  The man put a knife to my neck and started to laugh....wait. I started to scream. I mean what else was I supposed to do, this was in no way normal. You know now that I think of it, this kind of looks like an episode of supernatural. I hope that Sam and Dean come to save me. Then I saw the knife getting closer towards me and soon I was stabbed and then I screamed more and more....this was the end.

I shot up from the bed sweating, thank god it was just a nightmare. You know what is weird about all of this? i do not care about myself at all, but I'm scared to die and want to go to heaven. Also I care a hell of a lot more about my friends than I do about myself. Someone wants me dead yet I keep running, why? I mean I want myself dead. That's the thing though, i mean i spent my whole life wanting myself dead but when i had the chance to die...i still run. that's when i grabbed my keys and phone and got ready basically and left. I left all of my friends behind and just walked to the one spot i knew i would die in. I went to the park and sat there until the sun went down, it did not take long because it was close to 6 anyway. Then i saw the guy who was trying to kill me. It was really dark so i only saw a figure. That's when i just got this over with, no more cheesy story, just me dying like i deserve to. I want this story to be over and the only way for that to happen is if him and or i die. So here it goes....

"Hey" i said in a shaky voice.

"Hows it going Heroine?"

I was so fucking pissed, i never knew he would betray me. I mean he is dating my fucking best friend, they weren't even dating that long yet he has the nerve to do something like this. I swear everytime i trust someone this happens. Now i bet you're wondering what the bleach monsters have to contribute to this story, that will come soon. Wait for it....

"Oh and by the way. The whole supernatural thing and bleach was just a way to get you to me" Conner chuckled. "Did you really think all that stuff was real? You're too much. But let's just say that the friends that you met along the way knew the whole time but was just using you to get to me." 

"Ok then what? You want to do the predictable thing and kill me?" I knew he was probably going to kill me.

"No, you can go about your life, I just wanted to do this."

I was trying to realize what he was going to do. He walked up to me, that's when he walked up to me and started beating the crap out of me. He lifted up my arm and says one thing. "Still? And you still didn't succeed?"

Then just like that he left. Nothing to say at all he just left. I just started to walk home, it was useless at this point. Why i cut, well that's nobodies business, but i was done. This story was going to end short....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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