Iron Army exchange gone wrong in Mediterranean sea

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*at ToUtopia mall food court*

Ryan:we hope Kory is here

Dylan:*eat it while mumbling*yeah

Dolly:*think*what is he doing this time?

*at storeroom*

Tice:*brew it*there...*scoop it*..let's test it out..*drink it**became invisible*wow...I've invisible

*at somewhere else*

Bag:*ticking turns out has bomb and exploded*

*it causing everyone fear*

Boy:*crawl towards silhouette of men*h-help

Masked men:*kick*out of my way!..*look at them*sealing all of exists

*as they sealing all of exits and also tie the security guards*

Masked men:we are Iron Army..and the reason we here to make exchange you precious life for our leader who's was in prison...nneither Machine Cop nor local polices will help have 24 hours to tell American Machine Cop to release our leader will burned alive!!!*maniacally fire everywhere*

Many peoples:*scare*

Masked men:silence! I've..Jod..will retrieve our leader in exchange

Ryan:(this is bad..X and the others were outside)

* outside*

Many citizens:*protest about the incident*



L:I've believe in Tice

Limo:why you said that?

L:believe me

*at corridor*

Tice:its been a hours since I've was invisible...*heard rough conversations and saw it*🤯💢?!

*with hostages*

Few Iron Army members:*guarding the hostages*

Tice:*put something in the foods and put it on the table*

*as they hungry..they put their weapons so they can eat*

Few Iron Army members:*eat until become cow and mooing*

Iron Army member 1:where these cows came from?

Iron Army member 2:I've don't know?

Tice:*put two bottle of water and wait*

Iron Army member 2:hey...wanna drink..*take it and toss another one*

Iron Army member 1:*catch it*sure while we keep eye on them

*as they makes them become chicken*

Two Iron Army members:*clucking*

Dylan:*feel odd*weird?

Ryan:its assumed that was Tice did

*at security room*

Jod:where the heck these cows and chickens came from?!...where are they?!..the hostages were armed with weapons!

*as they were preparing..a gas was appear..causing three of them become ducks while Jod become goose*

Jod:*honking with confusion*?!

Ryan:*arrive*..a goose?

Jod:*honk with fear*?!

Dolly:its Iron Army guy!..get him!

Few peoples:*chase him*

Jod:*run away*(how this happened?!)

Tice:*laugh until back to normal* potion might be wore off after 1 hour and 50 minutes

*as they finally arrested..the potion also wore off*

Jod:what a humiliated defeat

Ryan:thanks Tice

Tice:no problem Ryan 😎

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