Second Saga:Championship saga

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*at ToUtopia*

Ryan:he went missing?!

Tice:yeah Q-Q

Limo:is he went too far


Vincent:we newly realize after we shout his name

Kory:what cause of this?

Dylan:Kory..we need to see if he was there

Tice:beside...there is endless amount of the heck we gonna find him

Franklin:since this incident happened...the preliminaries will be held in Sri Lanka


* Mazochi lair*

Mrs Heart:if you don't remind me that spirit has interesting with fighting skill when he was serious

Mazochi:good news that we had all of Pumabots and Battle Pumabots

Sophie:indeed...with you on our side..they won't against us

Mrs Heart:*laugh*indeed that they were broke their relationship

*at ToUtopia laboratory*

Tice:*done make a replica of Digital clock*thanks little fella

Mice:OwO*make a noise*

Tice:*focus on his goal*

Kristo:are you want to make them remain here? and Micey had to keep eye on

*with Keyro*

Keyro:(is he going to the past?!)

Kristo:hope you do right thing or else you ended up make another time and space distortion

Tice:OK my friend..(sorry pal..but they unlike how I've do on Kristo)....let's go!*try to went back in time* know what happened if you change the past...your friend and his family..I've kill them if you done change the past-*his head been bitten by Micey*aaargh!..*grab him and throw at Kristo*

Kristo:*catch it*

Tice:who sent you?!...are you work for those clowns!?...bring it!

*at office*

Limo and Franklin:*heard some noise*?

*at corridor*

Tice and Kristo:*fighting against Keyro*

Keyro:chill out?!

Kristo:you should chill out!...don't threaten his plan!..he want to right things!

Few icicles:*appear and surrounding Keyro*


Tice:*use frying pan to beat him*go..away..from..Ryan!! freaking Mazochi underling!!


Tice:whew...why they keep targeting me and Ryan?

*at Red Wolf Academy medical room*

Keyro:*bandaged*you didn't told me that he and his friend literary fight back!?

Jules:what?! that happened?!

Keyro:he keep calling me Mazochi underling

Jules:maybe he worried about two things...Ryan safety and his goal

Keyro:this will recovered from a day tho

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