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{High off you}{by: Alayna}


I place my nose behind his ear and inhale him. I hold him tighter and he relaxes into me.

The room is dark and quiet. I listen intently to his breathing.

"Are you ready to tell me?"

I ask him after a while. I gave him an hour to calm but I want him to tell me.

He shrugs.

I nip at his ear. "You said you wouldn't hide from me, Tell me Art."

"I don't mean to hide. It's just hard to explain."

"Then start with a single word. The first one that comes to mind."


"What is it?"

"It's embarrassing."

"You can tell me anything."

He slowly turns in my arms and buries his nose in my neck.

For a few minutes he simply inhales me.

After a while he drags his nose the length of my neck, suddenly stoping at the collar of my shirt.

"Ughhhmmm" He groans,
"Why are you still wearing clothes?"

My body instantly reacts to his words. I desperately crave every part of him I was deprived of all week.

"You want me naked?"

"Is that a real question?"

"Did you miss me?"

"Insanely, ridiculously, unbelievably, yearningly, maddingly, achingly."

"Then why didn't you come to me?"

He halts inhaling and peers up at me.
"So many reasons that seem stupid now."

"Seem stupid? Art if you want me, you can always have me. I'm yours."

His gaze drops to my Adam's apple, "I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it."

"Then why did you say it?"

"Does it matter? All that matters is I was wrong and that it isn't the truth."

"It isn't true you don't want to love me, and you want to leave me?"

He shakes his head at me.

"Then why can't you just say it?"

"It isn't time. But I really fucking do and if I was gonna leave I would of long ago."

"You have a choice?"

"No. My heart, my body wouldn't stand for it."

I reach up and stroke his face.
"Tell me more." I plead.

"I want you so much, it's scary for me to accept how badly sometimes. I'll admit it I'm a fucking coward, but the thought of you giving up on me for even a moment is unbearable."

"What do you want?"

"Let me love you how it feels natural to, at my pace. In return, I won't stop you from loving me any way you like."

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