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A child once asked GOD "why do we wish when everything is written in our DESTINY?"

GOD then replied "eventhough everything is written in your destiny, there are some pages i have left blank on which i have written - AS YOU WISH "

I wish I could fly. I wish with me, all comply

I wish, a clock moving anti-clockwise I could make, I wish I could correct all my mistakes

Make right, all my decisions that went wrong

To fight for my desires, I would make myself strong.

I would make my hobby as career, had that passion I carried.

I wish, I could move the time back, I wish I could embellish myself in whatever I lack

I wish I had a magic stick, I wish I could get all that I pick

By moving the stick round-n-round, in a blink of eye I would read any book

Like the angel's castle, make the earth look.

To heaven, never let my loved ones go

Be present in two places at a time, I am one although.

A smile could buy everything; there was no use of money

Make the clouds cry, if the day is very sunny.

I could go invisible whenever I wish to.

I wish I had a magic stick, I wish I get it quick

I wish, I was a child again, I wish I had no strain

Free from sorrows and targets my life would be

Scratches of those innocent days are still on my knee.

Even in disgust all would call my nick name.

I would stutter and say; to become big is my dream

But I am sad it happened very fast, now I cannot lick my ice-cream.

I wish, I was a child again, I wish I could walk through that lane

I wish I was someone's wish

I would be missed, I would be wanted

Would be treated special, never taken for granted.

Someone would see the whole world in me

Finds sweetness, even if I serve sugarless tea.

To communicate, not required were words

When far, contact through air and birds.

I wish I was someone's wish. Without each other we would be like water separated fish

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