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"bye madi!" nick said as madi got out of the van to go to her apartment.

"bye guys!" she waved and turned around.

"still doin okay, char?" matt asked from the drivers seat. i was in the passenger seat with the ac blasting and had my eyes closed. i had been feeling kind of nauseous.

"yeah." i quietly said.

"have you been drinking the water i gave you." chris said referring to his half drank water bottle he gave me earlier.

"yes." i lifted up the water bottle, showing that it was empty.

the rest of the car ride to our apartment was long and quiet.

"i'm sorry that i was embarrassing tonight." i broke the silence.

"char," matt trailed but was interrupted by chris starting to laugh.

"nah because that was the funniest shit ever." he said in between laughs.

"it was." nick joined too.

"she deserved it." matt smiled at me.

"so you guys aren't mad at me?" i asked.

"of course not." matt looked over and reached for my hand, tracing circles onto it.

"okay good." i smiled back.

"i honestly wish chris wouldn't have stepped in. i would've loved to see you beat the shit out of her." nick and chris were still laughing.

"IMAGINE." chris yelled.

"guys to be fair, she'd win in a fight." i giggled. "i was all talk."

we finally got back to our apartment. i told the boys good night before settling down in my bed. a couple minutes had passed before i heard my door squeak open.

"charlotte? are you awake?" matt whispered.

i sat up in my bed and smiled. "now i am. what are you doing?" i moved over a little so he could sit down in my bed.

"i just wanted to apologize." he said.

"for what?" i asked, confused.

"i should've said something to paige tonight." he confessed.

"matt, it's not your fault. you were just being nice." he got comfortable and i laid down next to him.

"thank you. are you feeling better?" he asked quietly.

"yeah." i smiled. "oh shit, i should tell madi i'm sorry." i pulled my phone out.

"ouch, turn the brightness down." he laughed at the blinding screen light.



hey madi

i just wanted to apologize
if i embarrassed u tonight

omg girl ur so fine
don't even worry about

she definitely deserved it

okay good. i was a little

no problem girl

also hope you feel better
soon <3

aww thx i already am :)


"she wasn't mad." i said, setting my phone off to the side.

"see? you're fine."

"yeah, next time just remind me to drink water or something." i giggled.

"got it." he laughed too.

"CHRIS, TURN YOUR FUCKING VOLUME DOWN I CAN HEAR IT FROM A MILE AWAY." we heard nick scream from his room.

"i cant even hear chris." matt and i erupted into laughter.

a few minutes passed of matt and i quietly talking before we both fell asleep


omg i cant believe they're about to hit 1 million! that's absolutely insane! i'm so happy for them!!

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