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we all hopped out of matt's new van, which had the exact same set up as the old one.

"i cant wait!" i shrieked, running around to the other side of the van to wait for the boys to get out.

"chill, char. i haven't even unbuckled my seat." chris fiddled with the seat buckle.

"shit, i should vlog this experience." i pulled out my phone and opened the camera. "hey guys! i'm trying a new coffee place with matty, chrissy, and nicky!"

"heyy everyone." nick ran up to the camera with a big smile.

"who is excited?" i pestered the boys by shoving my phone in all of their faces.

"meee." matt said.

"let's go." chris said skipping ahead of all of us and heading up to the front door.

i shut my phone off and walked in behind chris. as soon as we got inside, i could tell this place was pretty popular. it was full of teenagers around our age and a few adults.

"we should've picked somewhere else." i whispered to matt while waiting in line. i had always hated large crowds, especially with people our age.

"it'll be okay. what are you going to get?" matt asked, trying to take my mind off of it.

"an iced vanilla latte obviously." i smiled at him.

a few minutes later it was our turn to order.

"can i have an iced caramel latte," nick started and looked over at chris.

chris picked up a can of pepsi from the cooler and set it on the counter. "i'll take this."

"and then can we get two iced vanilla lattes?" matt spoke up for the both of us, which i appreciated.

the man behind the counter nodded. "it'll be 15.23"

"i'll get it guys." nick smiled at all of us and handed the man his card.

we all went to the seating era and sat at one of the open tables, all immediately getting on our phones.

"oh em gee! are you guys those triplets?" a girl that was in the cafe said.

a laugh tried to escape my lips because of the words 'those triplets'. i tried to play it off as a cough though. "excuse me." i said smiling. chris looked at me with a funny expression.

"yeah!" nick said and the other two boys smiled and nodded.

"i've seen you guys all over tik tok! i'm paige, i'm also an influencer." she smiled and held out her hand. the boys all shook her hand. she tilted her head to the side. "and you are?"

"i'm charlotte, their friend." i gave her a fake smile, sensing that something was off with her.

"and my girlfriend." matt said looking at me and smiling.

"oh," she forced a laugh. "cute! well if you guys are free tonight you should totally stop by my place tonight! i'm throwing a party."

i looked around at each of the boys, who seemed a little uncomfortable. "we'll check if we're free." i said.

"oh, i was mainly talking to them." she pointed at the triplets. "but i mean you can come too, i guess. here." she passed her phone to matt. "give me your number so i can send you the deets."

matt hesitantly picked her phone up but as soon he did, chris snatched it from him. "i'll give you mine instead." he typed his number in and gave it back to paige.

"thanks for the invite, paige, but we should really get going." nick smiled at her and got up from the table. "right guys?" he said giving us a look.

"right." matt said, also getting up from the table.

"alright, i'll see you guys." she waved to us.

we all got back to the car and got in our seats. "well that was the worst experience of my life." i said laughing.

"that girl was unbearable." chris said letting out a sigh.


i literally wrote this chapter in like 10 minutes just because i wanted to publish some drama. i hope you all enjoyed it though! thank you for reading!

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