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An apparition of dead people through supernatural causes. Most often viewed as a nebulous image and created through the means of human superstitions or the dead's unfulfilled wishes.

I gave a sigh as I flipped through the introduction page.

There are apparently many different types of ghosts that are classified through different folklores. Varying from peaceful light-orbs to vengeful murderous yokai.

I was honestly quite impressed with how many different cultures the book managed to cover through its many pages. Admittedly though, the book was tedious with the amount it had to offer, the idea of a vengeful ghost brought back to life to haunt a person isn't the most unique basis to search off of...

My first thought was to search through the Yokai, seeing as I originate from japan I thought it to be most likely. And yet... even though there are so many different types, besides teasing beastly-Yokai and beautiful women who lure men to horrendous death... I wasn't finding anything that quite fit the image I was looking for.







With a flick of my finger, a pencil flew over and I slotted it between the book's pages before reaching for the next one. The first book was getting me nowhere, the options were plentiful but the information was just a small summary per spirit. This book focused more on the paranormal instead of the cultural differences and stories that scoured the world.

Paper fluttered as I flipped through the chapters, skimming over for any interesting titles that might catch my interest.

Demon Summoning...

Ghost Stories...

Spirit Repellents...


The pages halted with a twitch of my finger, I hovered above the book for a moment as I peered at the title.

Now, this is intriguing...

A type of aggressive ghost that is most popularly known through horror movies. The word itself is apparently German for "Noisy Ghost," which correlates to how aggressive their actions are.

My brow quirked.

They are known for haunting a single person and will only become active when around their desired target, and can get their "noisy" claim from their ability to disrupt, move, and throw objects.

It's uncertain where Poltergeists actually originate from, some believing it to be some sort of supernatural entity of its own, while others think its unknown energy created from a stolen life.

Poltergeists feed off the negative emotions of a single person, they are not actually created from a dead soul's vengeance or retribution but are instead connected through the psychic disturbance of that single selected person. That person is the core of the spirits form, oftentimes following that disturbed individual to haunt them instead of a particular place.

If I am to believe I'm a poltergeist, It would explain why I'm not haunting the area of my death. It also seems like I'm connected to Shizuo more than his apartment, though I am able to interact with the things inside his living space...

My eyes squinted, watching as my finger would twitch in order for the book's pages to turn.

Noisy Ghost, huh?

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