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To say Leona was Pissed about having to Play Cubsitter was an understatement. He was livid. It wasn't enough that he had to be born Second but now he was reduced to this? Not even his Brother treated him so low. To be put onto Cub sitting Duty. Leona napped for Three days to finally calm down enough to except the fact that this was happening. That there was no way to get out of it with out royally pissing off the HeadMage. The most he could do his Hoist the Cub onto Ruggie. 

However because Ruggie was only a Dormmate and not a ViceWarden it would seem to the outside as if Leona was to weak to care for something as irrelevant as a Cub. no he would not be looked down upon. The only good thing was he had Two weeks of Bliss before the Cub got to him. 

However the Monday afternoon of his Turn he went up Tiredly to the Crowley's office. Honestly he didn't see what the fuss was about. It was just a cub. It's not as if it would kill him. He just didn't want to be bothered with something that was known for taking sleep away from it's Guardians. He walked into the Office and Crowley smiled at him. 

"Oh Mr. Kingscholar, Right on time for once I see. Yuu is in their Play pen waiting for you. Riddle has left you a list of things for their upbringing. They were very Through about what they should eat and as what time they should be doing things. Truly he is Trying his hardest to make sure Little Yuu grows to be the best Mage they can" Crowley stated. Leona however picked up the paper and with out even looking at it Dusted it. What did he need to know about the cub anyway. They sleep, they poop, they eat, they crawl around. Not like it's any different then looking after Cheka.

AH...." Crowley said before Leona grabbed the bag and walked out. Honestly they were acting like this Brat was going to be the Next one to Join the ranks of the Top Five Mages. The Brat was an Orphan probably that got dumped first chance they got. Nothing will change for them. Should have just let Nature take its course. But no the stupid Mirror had to decide to help them out. Leona sighed and he looked down at the Oddly Quiet Cub.

The Cub looked up at him in confusion. Didn't it understand that it was probably going to be eaten alive in Savanaclaw? Honestly better them then Octavinelle. That was the next house it was going to anyway. The cub looked up at Leona with big Herbivore eyes. Did it think just because it was cute it wouldn't get Eaten? 

"Kibay!" the Cub said raising its arms up pouting. Leona raised and eye brow and lifted the Brat up by the scruff of it's shirt.

"What you say?" The cub pouted again.

"KIBAY!!!" It raised its hands and reached up. Not at Leona's face but at the top of his head. Leona blinked and twitched his ears. Suddenly the Cub burst out in sounds. babbling like crazy. there was a pause and Leona twitched his hears again. The Cub once again babbled!

"So that's it. My ears?" The cub surprised him nodded and reached up. Making a Grabbing motion. Leona pulled his head back and Scowled.

"Not on your life Brat. Now come on we got work to do. I need a nap and your getting shoved at Ruggie the next chance I get" The Cub copied Leona and pouted hitting his shoulder. The nerve of this brat! Thinking it could hit him! He snapped his teeth at them only for the Cub to blink then Copy as he did. Only because they did not have teeth it was just Gums.

'Pfffft what was that? Don't even have your Baby Fangs and you already think your Tuff shit" The Cub giggled and played with Leona's braid. OK maybe the Brat wasn't so bad. Atleast it had some Spunk in it. 

Once he reached the SavanaClaw Portal he walked through. Loud ass noise Burst into his Poor ears. Fuck being a Beast man sucked on a bad day. Loud noises were ten times as loud. He could smell a Fart half way cross the Court. And he was pretty sure someone was about to try and Pounce him. He ducked out of the way Just as someone went flying.

Mages to Nannies (( Twisted Wonderland fanfic))Where stories live. Discover now