The First Date

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Notes: Thank you so much for clicking on this story. I appreciate you!

If you haven't yet, I highly recommend that you read Misconceptions first before jumping in because this story picks up straight from the final scene:


He was smiling at her, a promise in his eyes.

She smiled at him, too, warmth blossoming in her heart.

He hadn't forgotten her. He'd come to find her...


In the glaring light of day, Hinata's decision to have a one-night stand with the Hokage came to bite her in the ass.

Especially now since his hand was reaching out, palm up, obviously asking her to join them.

They all stood in the living room of Hinata's home and she was struck by how strange everything was. Her father was nodding his head and smiling at Naruto, respect for Konoha's leader evident on his face.

The Hokage, who had sought her out, was overwhelming her senses as she watched him with wary eyes on her approach.

He was still smiling at her, his gaze locked onto her face.

But her father had turned around to look at her, too. And Hiashi Hyuuga had the knowing smile of a parent who had found out a daughter's secret.

"The Hokage would like to speak to you, Hinata," Hiashi said, fighting his grin as he saw the blush that suffused his daughter's cheeks.

Obviously, something had happened between the two last night, but Hiashi wasn't going to pry into their business.

Only, he didn't want his daughter hurt.

He glanced back at the Hokage, who met his eyes briefly, but the understanding was there.

I won't hurt her, I promise, the Hokage's look assured him.

Hiashi nodded. "Why don't you guys take a walk outside in the garden?" he suggested as she slowly approached them.

Hinata nodded at her father and came to stand before Naruto, looking up into his blue eyes.


Up close and in the morning light, he looked even more gorgeous—if that was even possible. He should have looked as tired as she felt, but no. He was clean-shaven and smelled of fresh soap, and his lips were quirked up into that smile she'd come to adore in the few hours she'd known him.

Smiling gently at her. Like he'd done last night.

And still holding out his hand to her, which left her no choice but to place her hand in his.

It didn't seem fair that such a man could be so beautiful.

But she was tongue-tied and hot because she didn't know what to call him. Calling him by his first name seemed so inappropriate when they were standing in her bright living room, next to her father in her family home, and not in the dark bedroom of his romance novelist of a godfather.

Or wrapped around the Hokage's body, she thought with another wave of embarrassment.

As if sensing her thoughts, his grin widened momentarily, but he attempted to compose his face into a more appropriate expression.

"Hinata Hyuuga," he said again. Then, in a warmer tone that made her melt, "Hinata."

It was just her name said simply, but her imagination was getting the best of her. She could imagine a different situation, a more intimate time when he could say her name again.

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