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The light opens and the four princesses are together in one room together with the wizard*

*the three princess: Mulan, Belle, Vanellope have their eyes closed while Merida is screaming*

Vanellope, Mulan, Belle: *all blackout still*

Merida: *screaming*

Mulan: Hey, hey *while tapping Merida, but she’s still screaming* HEY!

*Merida stopped screaming*

Merida: Huh? Who are you? *pointing at Mulan*

Mulan: I’m Mulan. And who are you?

Merida: My name’s Merida.

Belle: *looks around* Where am I? And who are you?

Merida: We just told you, Belle.

Belle: How do you know my-

Merida: Aren’t you one of the famous princesses?

Belle: *quietly* Oh.

Merida: And you, help Vanellope up. *saying towards Mulan*

*a few seconds after*

Wizard: Hello, my fellow friends. *stays in one corner*

Princesses: *is shock and looking towards the wizard*

Wizard: Beg my pardon. I must have scared you, young ladies. But I brought you here for a reason.

*all of them confused*

Merida: And what exactly is this reason?

Wizard: I have summoned all of you here, because I know that you are the only ones who can defeat the evil one,  Profesor Lem.

Vanellope: Professor Lem? Who can that be?

Wizard: *lowly voice* A mad man.

*shows a video of Sir Lem, holding chemicals*

Voice Over (Wizard): Just so you know, he has ruled over this place for many years now. He has brought nothing, but chaos. And I want you, all of you, to help us defeat him.

Wizard: Vanellope, you are quite an annoying one. Maybe you could give him a bit of his own medicine.

Vanellope: *looking proud* With pleasure.

Wizard: Belle, you are a bookworm for a reason. Use your knowledge to help others.

Belle: Of course. I’m happy to help.

Wizard: Mulan, as a warrior yourself, I think that you are capable enough to handle the situation in front of you.

Mulan: I’m here to serve with all my might.

Wizard: And lastly, Merida. I know that you have what it takes to defeat him. Someone who wishes to have a different fate is strong enough to help change the world, right?

Merida: *feels offended, jokingly* Must you bring up my fate? *crossed arms.*

Wizard: No offense. *looks at her* Anyways, I have my friend here, the Fairy Godmother to help you.

*magical effect (chenenenn~)(whoosh)*

Fairy Godmother: I am here wizard ~ *looks surprised to see the princesses*

Fairy Godmother: Oh my! Are these the girls? Hmm, I think they need more power.

*gives them some magic and some weapons, a dagger for Belle and a candy wand for Vanellope*

Fairy Godmother: Bibidee-babidee-boo *magical effect and change of costume*

Wizard: Now that you have powers to help you along your journey, the both of us wish you goodluck.

Princesses: Thank you. *they all went outside*

Wizard: Ah and girls, you can summon me anytime when you scream my name!

*all of them weren’t looking back*

*Fairy Godmother will walk to Wizard*

Wizard: Do you think they heard that?

Fairy Godmother: I’m sure they did. Come on, we have to head back. *starts walking away*

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