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This is for the trans/ non binary people


Your POV

a few months after the countries got here everything's been normal...
If having country humans in your house was normal
Right now it was morning and everyone was getting ready for the day. Me and zero have a meeting at 11am
So we are already dressed and I'm really excited for after the meeting! You wanna know why? Because I finally have enough money to have top surgery! Exiting right? I can finally feel comfortable in my body, after everything everyone told me I'm still here.


13 years ago.

" It's just a phase" said my foster mom

"You'll grow out of it" said my bio dad

"There's only two genders"
Said my ex best friend

" They/them isn't grammatically correct"
Said my teacher

But here I am standing tall and strong.

After the meeting and surgery

We just got home but I still have the bandages/ binder on I have to wait one month until I take them off until then... I'm a man/ non binary person.

It's well after dark when we get home I immediately go to my room and flop on my bed today has been a long day. And I can't wait for tomorrow.

The Next Day..

I wake up to someone knock ing on the door. How unpleasant. I get up and put on decent clothes and answer the door

" Hello" I tiredly ask

" ( Dead name), is that you?"

I stare at the person with fear and shock. "( Un supporting bitch)?"

Zero comes down the steps and looks at me

" Bro what are you doing up this early-"
He spots u/s/b and looks like he's gonna kill someone

" U/s/b what are you doing here this early in the morning?" They ask clearly pissed off. "What I'm not allowed to see my best friend?" They say
I take a step away from the door " we are NOT friends and you know that."
I try and shut the door on them but they block the door so we can't close it .

"Look I'm not here for a fight I just need something."they say

" That's a fucking lie and you know it." Zero is now in front of me protecting me. " Look, all I need is some money I'll repay you later I just really need it "

"No-" I cut zero of and look at them. " No." "What?" "You heard me I said no now get out of my house before I call the police" " you cant-"

"I can this is my house and maybe if you had a job you could have one to."

They start to yell at me but I'm starting to black out. "Y/N-" that the last thing I heard before blacking out.


When I wake up I'm on the couch Covered in blankets and pillows. I remember what happened before and try and get up. Not before a wave of pain washes over me. I sit back down and look over to the coffee table. On it there's a note, pills and, some water

I reach over to see what the note says. I open it and read:

Dear, y/n

Sorry that I'm not there for when you wake up but I had to go get some stuff from the store but the countries are there and hopefully they'll keep you company.

Your brother,

(Ps. You've been out for 3 days, only 26 more days until you can take of the bandages:) )

(Ps. The pills are pain pills and some of your pills.)

I look down at the note and smile, he's always been supportive of me and we both been though hell together. Ever since I came out as trans/ non binary she's been the most supportive of it. But now we have are own lives-

Oh who am I kidding. Our souls are literally bounded together.
Well might as well take the pills.
I grab the pills and water put the pills in my mouth and then take a drink of the water. After I take all the meds I sit up not feeling the pain from earlier I get off the couch and walk around.
I hear footsteps coming down the steps. I quickly get back on the couch and cover my body with the blanket and pillows. When the person is finally downstairs they walk over to me and sit down on the couch" hey y/n, things have been sooooo boring without you awake. America is being a bitch ,Britain and France have been having screaming matchs and the German family has been plotting the murder of the Russian family.  And I'm over here just trying to wait for you to wake up " he stops and sighs "I hope you wake up soon y/n.." I recognize the voice as Canada. I try and keep a straight face- key word try. He gasps and saids "y-y/n?" I open my eyes " I'm back bitch"

"Guys! They're awake!" Canada shouts with joy. We hear thumping, running and, crashing ( wich, sounded like glass) . The first ones down the stairs are Britain, Mexico and, France."
señor! So glad your finally despierto!" Mexico exclaims loudly.

" Ha what can I say I'm practically immortal" I say half-joking. " HOW THE HELL ARE YOU ALIVE RIGHT NOW?!?" America who just came down the stairs "what do you mean?" I ask confused. "WHEN ZERO TOKE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL THE DOCS SAID THAT YOU DIDN'T HAVE A HEARTBEAT!!!" Britain shouts In a very high pitched voice.

" Tea kettle calm down before  I lose my hearing." I say sarcastically.  Then everyone starts laughing. Britain let's out an offended gasp " I DO NOT SOUND LIKE A TEA KETTLE!!" Britain defended himself y/n rolls their eyes "sure you don't pal~" y/n playfully saids. France then speaks up " mon amour you've been pasted out for trois journées we all were très worried about you." "Oh and toutes nos félicitations in transitioning amour" France then smiles at you happily. You smile back "thanks France" America smiles " yeah congrats dude or are you more comfortable with jester?" He playfully saids. You roll your eyes playfully and sits up only to be pushed down by Soviet " нет, тебе нужно отдохнуть" he whispered. "I'm fine Soviet you don't have to worry about me" you reply softly. He shakes his head . " He is right y/n you do need to rest for awhile" Canada mutters loud enough for you to hear him. You sigh in defeat and lay back down  " any of you wanna watch a movie?" You hear a lot of sures and yeses. It takes awhile to get everyone to agree on a move but you all settle on (f/m). In the end you find that every cares even if they don't show it.


Ayo this is finally finished! I'm sry if any words aren't spelled correct I used Google translate.
Thank you all for 600+ reads I never knew that this book would come this far.
Word count: 1186

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