007. The Tournament

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The Tournament

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After awaking the next day—night, as I had yet to get used to—I knocked on Sky's door, only to find that she'd already risen and left.

Of course, I understood that my sneaking off to find the princes without her yesterday was hurtful. I couldn't blame her for doing the same to me in return, but it still brought a twinge to my chest.

Taking a deep breath, I returned to my room and swiftly got dressed. There were more important things than my feelings that demanded attention.

Prince Seokjin was the first noble I crossed paths with. In fact, I was rounding a corner to one of the corridors in the Grand Palace when I slammed right into his broad, exposed chest.

His chuckle was melodic as every sound he made seemed to be. The deep blue of his eyes shimmered as he watched me hold my nose and step back. "Your timing is impeccable, Moon."

It was rare for me to feel true embarrassment, but I nearly did with how intently he gazed upon me.  Was he waiting for an apology? I straightened my posture and gave a light smile. "My apologies."

His lips twitched upward, eyes darting over my face. "You're not sorry. And you shouldn't be. I was hoping I might find you before the tournament anyway."

Apparently, I had to work on my expressions if I wanted to be more convincing. How had he so easily known I wasn't sorry?

"Tournament?" I echoed. "What for?"

"The King called for it. We have one any time he is in need of a new Gratori. Whomever is the last standing earns the right to be sworn to His Greatness' side for life."

An image of the black-armored warrior dashing in front of the King to take on the strike of Seeva's lightning flashed in my head. He had died instantly, leaving the ruler without a trusted bodyguard.

"When does it start?"

The Teseran grinned before walking past me, and I admired the elegant, pale blue braid cascading down his back. He began to whistle, and I felt the slightest tug guiding me to follow him.

"Soon. And lucky for you, there's a seat with your name on it."

Not but a few minutes later, Seokjin had led me to the second floor of the palace and onto the expansive front balcony. I stayed near his side, hoping to blend in as I noticed not many Alfir were there. Only a few, all of whom accompanied Trians.

At the front center of the balcony was a throne gilded in silver, with detailed carvings on the back of elves and animals, winding vines and tree branches. The art was unexpectedly serene for being a symbol of the infamous king's power.

Seokjin brought me with him near the right side of the balcony, a small distance away from most of the other princes. We took a seat on one of the stone benches, and I finally had a chance to take in the view before us.

There was a crowd of at least a couple hundred surrounding the outskirts of the courtyard, and Dethali lined all four sides to keep the crowd at bay. Dozens of orbs of blue fire floated all above the ground, yet the light wasn't quite enough to aid my vision against the dark of night.

"Here," the prince beside me murmured, and I turned to face him, finding him holding his hand up. Vahna swirled slowly around his fingers, and I closed my eyes and let him brush the essence over my eyelids like Jimin had the evening prior. "I see you've done this before," he noted, to which I did not reply.

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