Forty-eight |Best friend

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"Angel." Angelica whispered into my ear in the morning, her naked body on mine.

Yes we ended up having sex for the second time before we fell asleep.

I hummed in response not opening my eyes yet. Just few more minutes.

"Tomorrow we have few meetings and shit like that so I decided I will have a movie marathon with you today since we need to go back to work." She said in her soft morning voice.

I hummed, her smoothing voice being like a lullaby to my ears that I want to listen to everyday of my life, and I fucking will.

"I love how you love my voice but when you will continue to hum to me as a response, I will yell and you will start to hate it." She threatened me her hot breathe fanning behind my ear.

Only that could make me throw my head back. Her actions have a full effect on me and she knows it too well.

She moved her head closer to the spot where her breathe was just seconds ago just to give me one butterfly kiss there.

Such a teasing of my beautiful ass.

I sighed at her touch and slowly opened my eyes, only to be met by hers. Little bit of light was shinning through blinds. Her hazel eyes showed a little glow as they were staring into my own.

"You look beautiful." I stated my voice raspy and deep.

"I know. You look beautiful too." She said back in a whisper as she had her chin propped on her hands.

"What time it is?"

"It's currently 1:37pm." Angelica said as she reached for my phone that was on my nightstand.

She took my phone into her hands, her chin was laying on my chest.

"Password?" She asked me.

"071120." I said looking at her beautiful face with slight smirk.

She typed it in and then stopped and thought for a second. Like a little light bulb just shone upon her head as it cinked.

"You sly mother fucker. You better not fucking forget that date." She said as she put my phone down to look at me.

"I will never forget that date." I said my hand running down her back that was yesterday arching for me.

What a great memories.

She took my phone back into her hands and started to scroll through it. Then she burst out into fit of laughter.

"You're shit at flirting." She said as she showed me a conversation from 2 years ago.

How the fuck did she got to those?

You're married to someone who was born into Mafia I wouldn't be surprised if she just got to pictures of your dick.

"Is it just me or does your dick look on photo smaller then in real life? Oh wait it's from 3 years ago it maybe grew a little." She said showing me photo of my own dick.

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