Thirty-four |Help

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I saw Angelica stiff. I went next to her my figure slightly towering over her.

"What do you think about starting a war with drug cartel?" She asked me.

"I don't know. Sounds like a good idea." I said looking at card.

She sigh as she threw the card on table. She took roses in her hands and threw them in a nearby bin.

"Okay. That's settled now I have meetings. Wanna come with me?" She asked me and I nodded.

I could see the boredom on Angelica's face. I guess she was bored by meetings.

Her last one just ended. She had her eyes closed and was leaning against her chair.

"We need to go to warehouse today." She said as she opened her eyes and ran a hand through her hair that were now down from her high ponytail.

"I know." I said copying her actions.

Silence fell till it wasn't interrupted by knock of a Angelica's secretary that was giving me dreamy eyes all day when she saw me.

"Mrs. De Luca your driver is here." She said as she was glancing at me.

This shit again?

Angelica opened her eyes and looked at her secretary she gave her a slight nod.

"Come on puppy." Angelica told me as she smirked at me.

"I'm not a puppy." I slightly glared at her as I was standing up from chair.

You're acting like puppy.

Not the time inner voice.

I came to her side where she put hand on one of my cheeks and slightly tapped it while she mouthed 'you're'.

This woman.

She walked away from me leaving me staring at her back. I quickly recovered and went after her.

We got into SUV and sat beside Angelica. In 20 minutes we were going down a dusty road. I'm the end of it there was a hidden base.

I opened door for Angelica. She scanned her hand few times.

She had it more secure then me.

We finally arrived to the elevator where we went to lowest floor. There was a long hall with few doors. We came to one at the end of a hall. She opened it and there was a office.

Probably her office.

Aren't you a smart one Angel?

She walked in and looked at stack of papers that was waiting on her there.

"I guess I have work to do." She mumbled as she sigh.

She looked tired today and kind of worried. She was like this since the note she found.

I didn't like seeing her like this.

"Want me to help?" I needed her to have a little rest.

"You don't have to-"

I cut her off.

"-But I want to."

She gave me a small smile.

I sat on couch that was in her office. She got out her MacBook and sat next to me with stack of papers in her hands.

There were details about upcoming shipments, meetings, informations on Russian and more things.

She was going through her legal business all day now it was time for the illegal one. I sat next her as she was going through papers. She signed some of them with her signature that was very pretty of I might add.

We sat in silence, ruffling of papers and typing on computer was the only thing that you could hear.

We suddenly heard a knock.

"Come in." Angelica said.

One guy came in dressed in all black, guns strapped to his body.

"Ahhh mister Diáz I was just expecting you." She said as she nodded her head.

"Mrs. De Luca and Mr. King it's good to see you." He said as he nodded at us.

"Please take a seat and close the door behind you." Angelica said.

I think I never saw her this polite and without attitude with anyone.
I was watching his every step. He looked like a decent man. My conclusion was that he is probably some assassin.

"You said during our phone call you have some informations on  Volkov brothers."

He nodded and threw us a usb. Angelica caught it.

"I was watching their every step since the first attack. They're moving from location to location trying to locate your basses. I sniped some of their guards down and replaced them with your man but they're moving fast. I was able to bug one of their cars and listen to one of their conversations. They're planning an attack after Gabriel's ball."

We were nodding as he was saying informations to us.

"All the info is on usb. I will be in contact if I find something else." He said as he stood up.

"Thank you it's pleasure working with you mister Diáz." Angelica said as she stood up and shook his hand.

"Pleasure is all mine." He said before he shook my hand too.

After that he left.

"Who is that?" I asked as we sat down.

"That's one assassin that I'm working with for few years now. I told him to track Russians down and plant some rats and bugs there." She said as she pushed usb into port on her MacBook.

There were files and recordings of things that her assassin gathered.

She looked into them a little but after few she closed her MacBook and took usb into her hands. She gathered her papers while I helped her with them.

We went into SUV that was waiting on us. Once we were back in mansion we didn't went to sleep yet. We changed into comfortable clothes which meant for her get into one of my shirts and sweatpants. I was only in sweatpants.

We were both going through every information. I felt her head drop on my shoulder. I looked at her as she was sleeping against it.

I kissed her head and closed our MacBooks. She had a big couch so I decided since I wasn't that sleepy to take time to think.

I was falling in love which I thought I wasn't capable of. For me love was able only in stories that my mother used to tell me and my brother but now I'm experiencing it with the most unexpected person which is crazy to say at least.

I felt her snuggle closer to me. I lay her head into my lap where I started to play with her hair. She looked beautiful when she slept. Hell she always looked beautiful.

I smiled at her.

She is perfect for me.

A/N: my metal health really went down bad in these last few weeks so I'm sorry I wasn't active.

I hope you like this chapter.

With lots of love

-your LovelyRoseBlossomm<3

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