Marc Spector

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It was even darker than usual in Steven's flat, although the candles allowed some warm light into the room. He tried his best to arrange them here and there on the shelves and the tables and the piles of books, but they were of all colors and sizes, and he kept moving them, trying to find the perfect place for each of them.

"Well, that's a fire hazard," he said finally, as he looked around to admire his work when he was done.

He was tapping his foot nervously on the hardwood floor as he tried to remember if he had done everything right, everything he could possibly do to make this night the most special. He had candles and chocolate and red wine, and he even dug up a nice blouse to look his best. Was he trying to impress you? Perhaps. Mostly, he wanted you to be comfortable. To feel safe. A night to remember.

He took his phone out of his jeans pocket and as he was about to check the playlist he had made especially for tonight, your name appeared on the call screen. An uncontrollable smile formed on his face as a picture of you popped up as the phone starting ringing.

"Hey," he sang as he picked up. "You're not calling to cancel, are you?" he joked.

"Steven," you sniffed, your voice weak and broken. His smile immediately disappeared as his heart sank in worry.

"Wh- What? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Can you... can you come and get me? Please... I'm at the police station."

"Wh- why, are you okay?"

"I... I just... I needed to... press charges. It's done now... I just... Can you come and get me, please?"

"Press charges? What happened?"

"Please, Steven," you begged. "Can you come, please?"

"Yeah, yeah, of course. I'll... I'll take a taxi, I'll be right there, just... don't move, I'll be right there."

He tripped over as he turned on his heels and quickly got back up, grabbed his jacket and exited his flat without bothering to lock the door behind him. It took him a few tries to find a taxi but the ride over seemed to last an eternity. He wished he could just teleport right to you. He instructed the driver to stay and wait, not even thinking about the small fortune that it will inevitably end up costing him. He rushed inside the station, and ignored the suspecting looks the officers were throwing his way as he spun around looking for you. Eventually, he found you, sitting on a bench against a wall, crying, as you tried to wipe away tears from your bruised face.

"Hey, what happened?" he asked as he kneeled at your feet, bringing a gentle hand on your cheek.

"Steven," you breathed as you saw him, and launched yourself towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "You came," you sniffed and cried against his shoulder.

"What happened?" he asked in a whisper as he hugged you back.

"He..." you said with a trembling voice, "he did it again..."

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