Chapter Seventeen - Unforgiven

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Author's Note: I know I know, I've been gone for a while, I'm sorry for that, it's just that moving to a different country and starting a new job it's way harder than I could ever predict. I will finish this story, I promise, there's not that many chapters left and I already have another story on the back of my mind. I hope you guys enjoy it. Let me know your thoughts! <3

Ps: Also thinking of writing a GOT story? maybe mixing it with the witcher world? Idk, just got excited after watching house of dragon




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Celeste didn't know what to say. She felt a strange sensation, she almost didn't recognize the man in front of her, but as much as she tried to ignore the memories that she had imprisoned in a small box in her heart, having her eyes on the eyes of the man she considered her father, it was impossible to ignore everything she had lived through. Seeing him brought it all back to life and reopened what she thought was closed wounds. It hurt, like a dagger to the heart, but it was also comforting, he was her safe place for so long, the paternal presence she never had, she just wished he hadn't fucked up so bad.

 "I believe you have a lot of catching up to do" Geralt said, slapping Eskel twice on the back, who in frustration was practically dragged out of the place, as he was one to love gossip, so as to give Celeste and Vesemir some privacy.

So that left just the two of them, father and daughter staring at each other, not saying a word. The silence was deafening and uncomfortable. Vesemir could see the frustration and discomfort in Celeste, she kept the same expression as when she was a child and he told her "no". As tense as the mood was, Vesemir couldn't resist and smiled as he remembered how stubborn and hard-headed Celeste had been since she wasa child. This sounded more like a tease than a brief moment of nostalgia to Celeste, which made her snort and try hard not to roll her eyes.

 "What's so funny to make you smile, Vesemir?" Celeste finally plucked up the courage to speak. Her way of expressing herself seemed to have regressed to how she was as a rebellious teenager, which made Vesemir have to hold back his laughter even more.

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