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Beau had made quite the discovery one gloomy morning and he wasn't so sure if he was ecstatic or feeling rather dull about it. In any case, it was a familiarity and one that wasn't so welcome but there nevertheless. Beau was sure something jolted inside of him at the thought of seeing Five again, however, and that was all he needed.

There, in the newspaper, was Diego's mugshot blown out in black and white. Apparently, he had been making a scene in the town and was arrested only to be admitted into a psychiatric facility for his clearly deranged mind and absurd accusations. Beau had to chuckle at that one. He supposed it was only fitting he paid the man a quick visit, just to see how he was doing and mostly to question him about the others.

Beau gave a quick goodbye to Jude as the boy ran off to work - believing every time he was going to be late - and headed for the psychiatric facility without an ounce of emotion on his face.

The man at the desk seemed just as bored as his head was propped up by his hand and he didn't even blink when Beau walked into the building.

"Hello, I'm here to see Diego Hargreeves," Beau spoke nonchalantly.

The man sighed heavily and drawled out, "And what is your relation to the patient?"

Beau thought for a moment, furrowing his eyebrows, "He's my... he's a family friend."

"Alright, please sign here." Beau did as he asked and scribbled out his signature on the bottom of the piece of paper. The man looked at it, "Hargreeves?"

"It's a popular name." Beau shrugged.

"Alright, this way please."

Another guard unlocked the grated door and lead him down an ominous hallway, Beau supposed most hospitals had the same feel so it wasn't all that odd. Through a few more doors and Beau was able to enter a room that already located Diego, chained to the table and waiting with confusion written over his face.

Beau gave a nod to the guard and stepped inside, catching the man's attention quickly and his eyes widened. "Beau. Wh-what the hell are you doing here?"

"What the hell are you doing here." Beau retorted as he sat in front of Diego at the small table, "You're the first one I find and I find you in a mental facility. Doesn't particularly surprise me but really Diego?"

"Beau, you have to get me out of here, they think I'm crazy."

"I would believe them but I know you... and you're just really fucking cynical."

Diego nodded rapidly, "Right? So, you'll get me out of here?"

"I would... but I don't like you." Beau spoke with a slight smirk, "I just wanted to see if you had seen anyone else but I guess not."

"What?! Beau, you have to get me out of here, come on."

"I don't have to do anything, Diego. You got yourself into this mess you can get yourself out, I'm sorry. But hey, maybe I'll visit again next month."

"We're brothers!"

Beau raised an eyebrow at the exclamation, "Brothers? You treated me like garbage for the duration of our childhood while I tried my best to be civil. If anything we were roommates that shared the same guardian or, better yet, classmates. So, if you want my help then that's just too bad."

Beau found it hilarious seeing the man chained up and treated like a psychotic person - something Beau was treated as most of his life - and he would rather see how everything played out than put in a helping hand.

"You are the worst, you know that?" Diego glared as if he had already lost all of his fight, probably because he knew how stubborn Beau could be.

"I know."

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