[6] -Sometimes We Kill The People We Hate-

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This chapter is literally just the oneshot. Like I said in the description of the oneshot it was a scene from the Au, and this is that scene. It seemed redundant to just rewrite the whole thing so I decided to just edit it a little and then repost it. So for those of you who have already read the oneshot you guys can skip to the next chapter while the rest of you just get an extra chapter today XD.

Knife grunted as his bruised arms and legs hit the cool metal of the cage. The chip in his blade throbbed with pain along with the long cracks that traveled up his handle. The high tech electric bars keeping the 4 objects inside activated with a crackle before Knife could even try to escape. "You guys were a real bother you know that?" The slightly annoying voice of Cobs echoed across the large metal office as the MephoneX robotically stood by the cage's side like a phone shaped guard dog. Knife hissed as he put too much weight on his injured arm, Lightbulb hurriedly helped him up and sat him down next to Baseball who, admittedly, didn't look much better.

Knife took this chance to assess the injuries present on his fellow contestants. Suitcase was shaking like a leaf, her eyes were shut tight and Knife could tell she was on the verge of tears. A large rip stretched from the bottom left of her and reached right below her right eye, leaving one yellow strap completely gone and the other miraculously holding on by a thread.

Baseball was holding himself together way better than Suitcase, atleast on the surface. Physically he wasn't as damaged as the other three, but the same fear was present in his eyes. Baseball's signature red stitches were teared and snagged, a small patch was completely gone on the top of his head. He had a black eye and a few other bruises, but he was clearly more concerned about the trembling Suitcase to the right of him.

Lightbulb was by far the worst. She must have fallen pretty hard in order to receive such a prominent crack all throughout the top left of her bulb. A large portion of the glass had broken off completely, taking her left eye with it and leaving a large hole of jagged glass shards behind. Knife didn't know how she managed to help him up at all, she tried to hide it with a small smile, but he could still feel her hands shaking fearfully against his shoulder. "Hey, they got you too huh?" Lightbulb smiled sadly and Knife just nodded regretfully, no other explanation was needed.

"Now then, now that you're all here and not running around my building..." Cobs muttered under his breath frustratedly, as if they were small children causing a ruckus and not 4 terrified objects trapped in a cage. "I can finally get that Mephone4 to hopefully show his face, you'd think after all I've done for him he would be more agreeable, but I suppose not."

Cobs sighed and flipped through a manila folder with a picture and lable Knife couldn't make out. Knife looked to Baseball, wordlessly questioning if he knew anything about what Cobs could be talking about. Baseball just shook his head and pulled suitcase closer with his leg. At some point Suitcase must have started to cry, tear streaks stained her brown leather.

"Y'know, Mephone4 used to be one of my best state of the art creations back in the day." Cobs paced around the large office while carefully skimming through the many pages in the folder. "But the thing was still so buggy! He was one of the only Mephones ever made with an emotion emulator but honestly I wish I never even tried it. He was supposed to be a weapon not the host of a STUPID reality show..." Cobs increasingly got more annoyed as he talked. "I swear if he-" "How could you say that?!"

A small stretch of silence filled the room and Cobs sharply turned his attention from the file to Lightbulb. "...Pardon?" Lightbulb took a deep, shaky breath before speaking once again. "How- how could you say that? You say that like...like Mephone and Mepad's opinions don't matter..." Cobs's previously composed expression quickly turned into a harsh glare. Cobs rubbed his temple and threw the file back onto his desk. "Ya, cause their opinions DON'T. MATTER."

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