[5] -You Are Just A Creation-

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  (warning for panic attacks)

    Mephone4 awoke slowly, shallow waves of pain washed over his head and aching body, all he wanted to do was go back to sleep. He groggily assessed his surroundings before quickly waking up once he realized where he was. He definitely wasn't anywhere near the contestant grounds. Mephone recognized the stark white walls immediately, the familiar fluorescent white lights on the ceiling burned his eyes, making his eyes water.

    Mephone sat up and winced, the crack along his screen throbbed. Mephone analyzed the room with blurry eyes, save for a few boxes and papers strewn about the room was almost completely blank, too blank. He was in a cage, a metal platform with sparking electric blue bars keeping him from escaping. A singular staircase led up to the ground floor of the Meeple building, he was in the "basement." The sickenly familiar walls and dimensions made Mephone's stomach churn. He had been here before.

    Long suppressed memories began to resurface, he used to bloody his hands banging on that door, he begged his creator to let him out, he promised to do better next time, he never could though, and of course, begging never worked. Mephone's brain and heart raced, his fight or flight response begged him to leave but he knew that was impossible, not only could he not open the dreaded metal door from this side, he was also in a cage. He felt like a terrified child again, which he knew was ridiculous because he never was one, but that didn't stop the tears cascading down his glass.

    He felt like he couldn't breathe, his chest tightened painfully and his eyes hurt. A sob racked his weak body, the basement, the headquarters, the cage, it was all too much. He curled in on himself, his throat felt raw and his head wouldn't stop pounding, he just wanted it all to stop. He covered his mouth with his hands, desperately trying to muffle his cries, but it didn't work, of course it didn't, because when did he ever succeed at anything?

    His despair devolved into anger, why now, after all this time does Cobs suddenly decided to take matters into his own hands? Was all the running, the hiding, the bridges he burnt just to feel any kind of security or safety, was it all for nothing?! He was right back where he started, a terrified new creation who only knew the teachings of a creator who didn't care. Mephone was done, with Cobs, running away, all of it, there was no justifying it anymore. The entire point of running away and forgetting was to start over, the entire point of firing Toilet and shutting out Mepad was to ensure he would never have to face Cobs again, and yet here he was.

    It wasn't even just about him anymore, 4S, 3GS, and probably even the contestants were all wrapped up in Cob's little project, it infuriated him. His anger boiled with an intensity he had never felt before, his crying had long ceased, the left over tears dried uncomfortably on his cracked glass. His fear had seemingly vanished, all that he felt was a burning fury that encompassed his entire being. Mephone grit his teeth and clenched his hands so hard he was sure he drew blood.

    Mephone reeled back and hid the floor of the metal cage with loud bang. His eyes flickered an electric blue as a foreign, electric looking blue energy flowed along the floor of the basement like water. The electric bars of the cage sparked and destabilized, soon zapping away into nothing. Mephone paused, his rage momentarily fading and his eyes fading back to normal. He slipped out of the cage, landing on the cold tiled floor of the basement. He backed away from the deactivated cage, as if it were going to retaliate in some way, but nothing happened.

    He looked at his bloody hand before shaking his head, he wasn't going to think about it. He wouldn't lose this chance. He took two steps at a time, sprinting up the stairs until he reached the cold metal door he remembered so vividly. He ran his hand along its dented and scratched surface, he grimaced at the memories that flashed through his brain but he forced himself to ignore it. His hand touched the electric lock on the door, a door only Cobs had the key card to.

    His heart sunk, he had tried a million times to open the door without the key card, but it was reinforced, there was no breaking it. As he pulled his hand away, a small blue spark emitted from his hand and connected with the lock. The lock sparked and sputtered before its red light turned green, letting the door slide open. Mephone flinched back, startled. He stared at the open door an then his hands, a small spark of energy ran across his palms.

    Mephone's eyes widened, the faded ghosts of memories long buried flashed in his mind. But he didn't flinch, because these memories weren't malicious, they were fond ones. He softened at the bittersweet memories, but instead of indulging further he shelved them for later, this was not the time for reminiscing. He balled his hands into fists, the frustration and rage building up inside him once again. He glared at the basement of his past, he knew why Cobs held him there, and he hated it.

     He took one last look at the god forsaken room before leaving it behind, determined to move on. He knew exactly where Cob's office was, he knew it by heart, there was no way he couldn't. He ran down familiar hallways and shortcuts, eventually entering the elevator he knew led straight to the top of the tower. He hit the button hard, the contraption making a ding sound before closing its doors. He wouldn't run anymore, no more hiding.

    He wasn't a damn child anymore.


Steve Cobs periodically flipped through camera feed. He watched the MephoneX fight the Knife in a hallway, he sighed. The MephoneX should bring it to him after he was done. The Lightbulb still lied unconscious in the electro-cage, its bulb badly shattered, the other two avoided his gaze as much as possible, the Suitcase quietly sobbed into the Baseball's side. Cobs flipped to a different camera, this one faced right at the basement door where the defective Mephone was held. He went to switch to a different camera but stopped himself. Doing a double take he took another look at the camera, more focused this time.

    The locked metal door was wide open and the electro-cage inside was completely shut off. Cobs cursed under his breath and leaned back in his chair. He didn't bother to look for Mephone4 on the cameras, he knew where it was going. Despite knowing the Mephone was coming for him he wasn't concerned in the slightest. He made the machine, he knew everything the Mephone could possibly do to him. Besides, it seemed the Mepad was out of commission and Toilet was safely stashed away in its own cage.

    Cobs just sat and waited, he knew the Mephone more than it knew itself, and he knew it was a complete failure. Mephone4 was only his creation after all, what could he possibly do to him?

---------------1224 words - A bit shorter than last time, but I want every chapter to be atleast 1000 words each so I wouldn't expect any less than this

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1224 words - A bit shorter than last time, but I want every chapter to be atleast 1000 words each so I wouldn't expect any less than this. Can you tell I had a lot of fun writing this one? I think I'm much better at writing internal dialogue than action scenes :')
I wanted to get this one out quickly because over this weekend I'm going to be running around with my family for my birthday 🎂. So.


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