Just a note of thanks...

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A little insight into my head...

This is a first for me. For years -- since high school, really, when I first started sketching out romances both in my mind and on paper (yep, that's how long ago it was) -- I have never, ever finished one of my stories. 

I'm still not entirely sure why I put up that first part of Mason and Sage's story on the Grovel FB page; I'd never told anyone about my writing, much less asked someone to read it. But I had seen the admin of the Grovel page post an excerpt from a story she'd written. I really enjoyed it and it was so well done that it stuck with me. Everyone on the page who read her story was supportive and encouraging, so I had that in the back of mind: nobody laughed at her, which is what I always feared would happen if I were to let anyone read my romances. 

A few weeks later, I read a book that made me frustrated with the doormat h who forgave the H for some pretty bad things with absolutely no grovel. I'd seen a number of comments on both the Cheating and the Grovel FB pages about how people were tired of the heroines being weak.

That got me thinking...this Grovel group would be the safest place I could imagine to share a little piece from one of my stories that showed a strong h. Before I could change my mind, I copied and pasted that prologue from Mason and Sage from my Word doc and put it up on the Grovel FB page. 

The comments were very nice and a kind fellow Groveler (Kristy!!) mentioned Wattpad, which I had always thought was just for published authors who didn't want to go the KU route. She set me straight and gave me step-by-step screen captures to show how easy it was to get started.

So I got busy and put much of what I've written onto Wattpad. It was a great exercise in straightening out my jumbled up Word docs and putting the stories into order. I have more (my oldest ones) but I know my many starts and no endings are frustrating, so those old stories will wait a bit and I'll focus on the ones I've put up.

All that to say, I have been absolutely humbled by the response to and the support for my stories; I really can't describe how much it has meant to me. Your encouragement makes my day, every day, and helped motivate me to complete my first story. Shout out to all of you! I've appreciated your comments, your feedback, your suggestions, your theories and, most of all, your kindness. 

So, from the very depths of my heart, thank you all.

The Rampage MC #1: Levi/Chain and GennyWhere stories live. Discover now