Chapter 3: It Wasn't A Nice Smile

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The next morning, as I waited for my coffee maker to brew my reason for living, my insides were still churning after my scene with Levi the previous day. Even after I unloaded my fury on Levi, I'd waited for him to counter anything I'd said.

"Did you forget I saw you kissing her? Did you forget one of your brothers told me how much you wanted her and your plan for marrying a plain girl so you could cheat on her?"

He'd looked at me steadily and said...nothing. Not one thing. That riled me up even more so I took a step toward him and shoved him in the chest.

"You know what? This would be a really good time to try to defend yourself and explain everything to me that you keep telling me I don't understand. Make me understand, you two-timing, cheating asshole! Now's your chance and it's the only one you're getting! I'm begging you to please explain it all to me so I can make sense of it."

He'd shaken his head before looking away for a minute and then brought his eyes back to me, his mouth a tight line. "I can't," he'd said.

I can't. 

That was all I got, all the explanation he thought I deserved. With that, I was done. I stepped away from him, not looking at him, struggling and failing to keep back the tears. Perfect. My humiliation was now complete.

"Genny," he'd said softly, gently, but I was so beyond done, it wasn't even funny.

Sniffling, I wiped angrily at my face. "I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you because I loved you with every fiber of my being. But nobody with any shred of decency or humanity would do to me what you did. You and Jerica deserve each other -- you're just alike, both selfish, horrible people who don't care who they hurt in their quest to get whatever they want." We were both silent for a moment, until I calmed my tears enough that I could end it. "I want you to leave now. I hope I never see you again." And I waited there a few moments until he walked out my door.

With coffee in hand, I called Josh to see if he could get the house on the market faster. I just wanted out of this town, away from the people who wouldn't leave me alone, away from the betrayal. "Hey, so, sorry, but I'm not going to be able to sell it for you," he finally mumbled after stammering for a few moments.

"What? Why not?" I demanded.

"Ah, I'm busier than I thought. I'm not going to have the time I thought I would. To, you know, sell your house."

"Josh," I tried not to start screaming as I pinched the bridge of my nose, "you told me yesterday it was market ready and would be a fast sale. So what happened between yesterday and today?"

I could hear him breathing. "That guy," he finally whispered.

"What guy?"

"He stopped by this morning."

"Who stopped by?"

"That guy from yesterday. Steroid big. Beard. Motorcycle."

Levi was going to die a slow, painful death.

"And?" I prompted.

"And he said it was, um, not a good idea for me to sell your house."

"Did he threaten you?"

"Uh, no. He just told me I should reconsider selling your house because it might be hazardous to my health."

"Did he say anything else?"

"No. But then..."

I was about to reach through the phone and strangle Josh. "But then what, Josh?"

The Rampage MC #1: Levi/Chain and GennyWhere stories live. Discover now