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You had given Alex one of your lives, hoping he could come home too. And now it was paying back, as Van Pelt held a gun on your head, your last life almost fading away in front of your eyes.

"Van Pelt, stop!" you heard Alex exclaim as he ran to the scene, panic evident in his eyes. Van Pelt laughed.

"Well well, isn't it the Seapilot? Coming to rescue the love of his life?" he grinned at you. "You don't give me much of choice. This land is mine, and I won't let you take it away from me. One less of you means that I'll win."

Alex was silent for a bit, before he forced Van Pelt to turn to face him. "Take me instead."

"As you wish."

"Alex, no!" you exclaimed, stepping forward but Van Pelt pointed you with his gun again.

"Don't move."

"Y/N, it's alright." Alex reassured you, but before Van Pelt could turn back to him, Alex hit him, knocking him out. You both stared at his body, before Alex quickly stepped forward to lunge to embrace you. "I thought I lost you."

"You looked up to him, before smirking a bit. "Is it true? What Van Pelt said? Are you-"

"In love with you? Yes. Ever since you saved my life."

Your lips curved into a small smile. "Funny. I would say the same."

You giggled at each other for a few seconds, before Alex promptly leaned forward to kiss you.

You didn't expect that, but it was a welcome surprise. You had loved Alex for a bit now, you could almost say it was love at the first sight. You wrapped your arms around Alex, his hands found themselves on your head and you felt like you were in some corny romance movie, only fireworks were missing.

You broke off when you heard someone clear his throat. "Guys... that's cute and all but Van Pelt's goonies are after us. We need you." Spencer stood there, scratching his neck nervously and you could feel yourself blushing.

"Right. All right. We'll be there."

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