On Our Own

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*Continuing from previous chapter*

He looked at me and put it back in my jacket pocket and shook his head no. "That was meant for you to keep no matter what,girlfriend or friend." The necklace was a small locket in the shape of a heart and in the middle was an "M". It was real gold and inside was a picture of Carl and I and another with Carl, Lori, Rick, Me and mama and papa. I nodded and walked away. "incoming!" I heard a man say then everything was cloudy.

I woke up and I didn't see Glenn, Bob, Daryl, or Rick. Great! "Maggie what do we so." I went up to her and hugged her torso. I'm almost the same height, probably below her neck. I love everyone and Maggie and Beth are like my sisters.

After what felt like hours, somebody opened the door. As Rick's face appeared he told us to get out. "Holy crap!" There was a bunch of walkers and Terminus looked like what happened to our last "home". I quickly climbed over the fence and waited for the others. Carl plopped down next to me followed Rick, Daryl and everyone else. We ran to this cabin and saw Tyreese holding baby Judith. Carl and Rick ran him and I sat down by a tree. I miss my 3 and 19 year old sisters. They mean so much to me and I don't know where they are. Are they alive? Are they dead? Who knows. Carl looked at me and said something to Rick. He nodded and Carl walked towards me. "Look, I know we broke up and stuff but I still love you and it upsets me when your sad. I'm sorry about your sisters." He sad pulling my legs by his. "I just... I just wish I was with them before it started." "I know." He started leaning a little until we heard a scream. "Guys lets go!" We ran towards the yelling and saw a man in a priest outfit yanking his leg away from two walkers. I shot them both and once he got down Rick asked him the three questions. "How many walkers have you killed?" "None, it's kind liking other human beings." Rick rolled is eyes and didn't even bother to ask him the other two. "Gabriel. Father Gabriel." Rick told him our names then we followed "Father Gabriel" to a church he sad was his. Carl was walking next to me with his hand in mind. "But just as friends." He slowly whispered with a sad expression on his face. I nodded and we finally found the church. There is rooms, you guys can stay here for as long as you want. I have one room for the kids, they'll like it." I looked at Carl and looked back at Gabriel, "Sure." I set down all the at did I had brought, which wasn't much and laid down on the bed. "Carl," "Yes." "Can you pay with me, just for tonight?" "Of course." I didn't want to sound desperate but I really need him, I regret my mistake and I know he has to. But mine was the biggest. "Carl," "Yeah?" "I love you." He gave me a short smile and leaned in. Are lips connected then he pulled away. The kiss was short but passionate. "I love you too, and I'm very sorry Megan." "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have gotten in your face pike that or hit you, we both make mistakes but we're not perfect, especially in this world." His hand was on my cheek and his eyes were looking straight into mine. He kissed me. The kiss got deeper, he kissed my bottom lip asking for permission which I let him. I was on top of his warm body and he flipped me over. "Lets never fight again? Promise?" "Promise." I tried kissing him but he moved. "why you teasing?!" He smirked and kisses me again. "Maybe I should knock next time?" I heard a disgusted Daryl wine. "Yeah that'll be great." I some how, out of breath, managed to say. "There. Heading to Washington, time to say goodbye!" I heard Daryl yell as he was walking outside. I grabbed my bag and walked outside. Rick looked at me in a confused way. "Why do you have your bag?" "Because I'm leaving to go to Washington with them." "What! Morgan you can't leave me again! " he said pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry Carl but I gotta, Its what I want."

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