Starting School

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Jessica's POV
"I am scared to start school"I said as I walked in the Office
"Don't worry everything will be alright"Cathy said catherine_xoxo88
"Welcome"The principal said as we walked in her office
I just smiled
"Hi I'm Cathy"Cathy said as she greeted the Principal
"I'm Jessica"i said as I followed along
"So are you guys interested in any sports"the principal asked
"I like to play soccer"Cathy said as she takes a seat
"Ok and how about you Jessica"The principal asked
"Well I play volleyball"i said as I took a seat
"So what other classes do you like to take"she asked
"I like art,writing and,reading"i said
"Ok and you"she asked Cathy
"I like to take Math classes Reading and Social Studies"Cathy said
"Ok"the principal said
"here are your Locker combinations and numbers"The Principal said as she gave us some papers
"How about our Schedule"i asked
"I wrote it down there too"she said
"Ok thanks"i said and then left the office with Cathy
"Where are our lockers"i asked looking Closely at the papers
"What numbers are they"Cathy asked
"Yours is 1453 and mine is 1454"i said as I gave her the paper
"ok I think that are over here because his locker and those say 1447 an further on"Cathy said as she gave me back the paper
"Ok"i said as followed her
"There are some boys by our lockers"I said as we approached the corner
"Well we will move them"Cathy said as she walked towards our Lockers
"Cathy stay here....."i said but was interrupted by her talking to the boys
"Can I open my Locker" Cathy said as she stood by her locker
"I don't know can you" boy with Blonde hair and a hat asked
"Looks like I can"Cathy said as she moved his hand out of the way
"What is the combination"Cathy asked me
"Here"i said handing her the paper because I was to scared to speak
"Who do you think you are"The same boy asked
"I'm a girl and a human being just like you.......maybe not like you but better"Cathy said looking at him up and down
"What are you looking at"the same boy asked
"What are you wearing"Cathy said almost laughing
"It is called Style......looks like you haven't heard it before"the boy said staring at Cathy
"I know what it is but I do know how to wear it"Cathy Said as she put some of her stuff in the locker
"You guys watch yourselves"the guy with black hair said staring at me
"Why"i asked I don't want to say it but it just came out
"Just watch"He said
"Yeah ok whatever"Cathy said as she closed her locker
"You will see"The guy with the blond hair said as we were halfway from the classroom
As soon as we walked in there there was like a war going on there was papers flying a lot of garbage
"Whoa"i said as I stopped at the door
"What let's join"Cathy said
"No we would get In trouble"i said a little worried
"Just come"She said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me in there
"Cathy.."i said worried
"You sit here"she said as she sat me down in a desk
"Where are you going"i asked
"I am going to join"She said and left
"What a wild friend I have"i said lowly
"Hey"a girl said as she came and sat next to me
"Hi?"i said
"I'm Mia"she said
"I'm Jessica"i said
"You are new here right"She asked
"Yeah how'd you know"I asked
"Well you look lost"She said
"Well yeah i am new"i said and laughed a little
"Don't worry I will help you around"She said and gave a friendly smile
"Thanks"i said "and do you know what is going on"i asked staring around
"Oh this...this one thing you have to get used to"she said as she was pointing around
"Do they do this every day"i asked
"Yeah every morning"she said and then a paper ball hit her in the head
"Don' any papers"she said as she threw a book at them
"OK"The boy said and threw papers at other people
"You see you just have to show that you can defend yourself and they won't bother you"she said
"Ok"i said
"Ok class clean this up and let us get started"The teacher said as he came in
"What do you want to do later"Cathy said as she sat next to me
"I don't know what so you want to do"Cathy said
"Maybe down town"I said
"Yeah after school or Later"Cathy asked
"After school"I said
"Ok"Cathy said
"Ok class Settle down get your notebook out so you can write some notes"The Teacher said as he sat down in his desk
**after a half hour of class**
"Sorry we're late"The boys that were in the hallway said as they came in
"Again you are late........take a seat"The teacher said as he stopped writing on the board
"Ok"the boy with the bandana said after he rolled his eyes
They took a seat the boy with the black hair sat in the back of me and the one with blond hair and hat
**after class**
"Ok class is dismissed"The teacher said after the bell rang
"Where do we go next from here"Cathy asked
"Let me see"i said as I grabbed by book-bag "we have......well you have soccer tryouts and I have art"I said
"Oh yey I have tryouts"Cathy said as we walked out of the classroom "when do you have tryouts for volleyball"Cathy said
"She wrote down that I have them tomorrow"i said
"Cool and do we have them at the same time"Cathy asked as we walked toward our lockers
"Yeah.....but today they only gave me art at this time because I have nothing to do"i said as I grabbed the other paper form my book-bag
"Ok"she said
"Good thing that the boys that were in the hallway an hour ago aren't here"Cathy said as she opened her locker
"I know"i said as I opened my locker
"Well see you later"Cathy said as she grabbed her stuff and left
"Bye"i said and headed to art class
"Hey"Mia said
"Hi"i said
"Where are you heading to"She asked
"I am heading to art class"i said as I handed her the paper
"Oh ok I'll take you there it's on my way to Math Class"She said and handed me back the paper
"Ok....thanks"i said as we started walking
"Have you met anyone yet"she asked
"Only you and sort of these boys"I said unsure
"What boys"she asked
"I don't know they were four......i saw them like an hour ago by my locker"i said
"Can you describe them"she asked
"They were four 3 of them had blond hair and one had black hair they looked like if they were 16 or 17"i said
"Oh no no no no..........I know them don't mess with them or talk to them"she said a little worried
"Why"I asked
"They are the most popular boys from the school and the baddest......."she said
"Really"i said surprised "is it bad if you move them out of somewhere"I asked
"Oh my god why"she said really worried
"Because my friend moved one of them"i said
"What!!!"she shouted a bit "you guys are in danger"She said as we arrived to art class
"What why"i said
"Sorry have to go"she said and left
"Well that was wierd"i said
I hope you guys are enjoying the story. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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