Male Reader x Felicity Smoak x Caitlin Snow|Nerds Part Two

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"This is a bad idea"I spoke into my comm as I entered a bar.Felicity and Caitlin had sent me to a bar while they stayed in Star Labs.

"Go and order a drink"Caitlin said and I went and sat on a stool and ordered one

"Now what"I whispered 

"Just wait for the girls to come up to you"Felicity said.Just then a blonde woman stumbled next to me

"Hey what's a cutie like you doing here alone?"She asked

"Help"I whispered into my comm

"Now use your charm"They said before shutting the comm off.

"Um, getting a drink"I said

"Well I can get you something else"She said before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bar and into an alley way.Where there was a man holding a knife

"Great work babe"He said pulling her in."Now empty your pockets"He orders holding the gun to me as I stood in fear unable to do anything.He got frustrated and hit me in the face with the gun, causing me the fall to the ground

As I got back up I saw that they were gone and Thea stood in front of me.

"You okay?"She asked

"Yeah I'm fine"I answered

"Well that mark on your face says otherwise.Come with me"She said as she took me to the hotel room she was using.She sat me down at the couch and took care of my mark

"So um are you a virgin"She asked shyly."it's a long story"

"You and Felicity made a bet on it.Not to long of a story"I responded making her chuckle

"So handsome which one is it?"She asked and I was about to answer when her lips met mine

"I've really wanted to do that"She told me and I nodded along as she continued the kissing

Time Skip

Thea and I made our way into Star Labs and arrived in the cortex to find the rest of Team Arrow and Flash

"What took you two soo long?"Barry asked

"You're 30 minutes late"Oliver added

"The alarm didn't go off"Thea lied

"For both of you.Hold on.Y/n what's that"Cisco asked confusing me until I pointed to my cheek

"Oh yeah I got hit with a gun at a bar but Thea saved me"I answered

"No not the mark on your cheek.The hickey on your neck"Cisco said making my eyes widen.I tried to find a explanation 

"We had sex"Thea plainly said making everyone look at us in shock

"Wait so who wins the bet?"Felicity asked quickly 

"You had sex with my sister"Oliver said fuming 

"Oh shit"I said as Oliver walked towards me and grabbed my shirt

"You hurt her and I will destroy you"He said before walking away and resuming the meeting


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