Chapter 5

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*^^Mark ^^*

Stiles got dressed in a black suit.

Smoothing out all the wrinkles with his hands and straightening his tie. He looked in the mirror and stared at himself.

He was beautiful on the outside. Impeccably so. But he was lonely and he was sad. Always sad.

Sighing he looked down at his ring finger. The golden band was a constant reminder of his pain.
Stiles, please. Do it.
Stiles screamed in anger.
"No! Get out of my head!"

He was never as composed as he seemed. It was a facade, a rouse. He couldn't do anything else then wallow in his self-hatred.
He was a pitiful man.

Allison walked down the street purse in one hand, phone in the other.

It was cold outside and she had taken to wearing a long coat with a scarf. Her nose red, uncovered by makeup.

"Look, I just don't understand how he could have a lover. In case you've forgotten, he's married."

The voice on the other end groaned.
"I know that. It doesn't mean he isn't cheating though, Its been years and we know nothing about him. He's an enigma."

Allison sighed and looked up from the ground.
"I know Lyds, Its just- Its Stiles."
Allison had been discussing this with Lydia for some time. The whole pack had.
As she continued walking, a certain someone caught her eye. He had just sat down in a small cafe. His black suit looked sharp, hot.
It was Stiles.

"Holy- He's right here, Lyds! Stiles is right here!"
Allison heard shuffling on the other end.

"Where? Spy on him and figure out who this guy is! Just do not let him see you! Call me when you know."

Allison gaped at her phone as the dial tone sounded.
The bitch had hung up on her.

Stiles had been sitting for a half hour when his guest showed up.
"Stiles!" The man at the front door called. He was tall and intimidating. His big stature and sharp features made for an imposing figure.
Stiles stood and smoothed out his suit.
"Mark! Im glad you're here."

Stiles and the man did a 'bro hug', the always awkward half hug with a handshake.
After they had sat down and ordered.(Mark had flirted and winked at the waiter. His meal was free.)
"Look, I know that you've had alot going on, Stiles. But you either need to bring the business here or go back after this week. It cant wait any longer."

Stiles ran a hand through his already messy hair.
"I know that, Mark. But I cant. Its started again."

Mark sucked in a sharp breathe and appeared conflicted.
"You know I'll stay with you, but you need to forget and move on, its been five years already. "
Stiles never liked this conversation. It always brought back memories that were to vivid, detailed.
Why are you trying to forget about me? Love me, Stiles. You said you loved me.

It never stopped. Day in, day out, He was always there.
"Please Mark, Its getting worse. Ill bring the work here."

Mark knew to agree with him when he got like this. It always pained him to see his friend in such distress.

Allison was lost.

She had no idea what was going on but she knew it was important. It was just another thing that they didn't know. Another thing Stiles was hiding.

By the end of the day the whole pack knew and they were confused as ever.

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