No one

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( song " the doctor said ")

3rd's POV
" Your grades are slipping Mr. Frost. " the teacher warned Jack, who just sat rolling his eyes as his head was down, facing his work.
" I know.." he said as he continued to work in detention.
" you know if you keep coming to detention I will have to call your parents."
" yeah I know" the faster this detention is over the better, however, this conversation was stopped as the door opened. Jack couldn't help but look up, anything to get out of working is fine with him. Except, why does it have to be her.
" ah! Miss. Winters " teacher's voice boomed, as he clapped his hands together.
" hi.." Elsa replied as she watched her teacher go around his desk to get the sheets of work for her. However, accidentally she looked at the empty class room and looked at him. Annoyance grew inside her.
" please hold a moment, I left it in my other room. " the teacher did a half walk half jog out the room, leaving the two annoyed teens.
" jerk" she mumbled under her breath, however he heard, and didn't hesitate to reply.
" bitch" he said loudly for her to hear." I'm still waiting for a apology for my book abuse." She was not amused.
" oh, my apologies. I didn't mean to hurt a damn book." His sarcastic comment amused him.
" was it your first time touching a book?  " but before he could replay the teacher entered the room.
" here you are" he handed the paper to Elsa. Nodding a thank you she headed for the door.
" yeah keep hiding behind the hood" Jack mumbled as the door closed. He sure wasn't going to make her life easy. That wasn't a threat but a promise.

The next day after school he spray painted the school wall, with rich blues and purples.
' ssssssh' the sound continued until he neared the end of his art work. Jack held the white face mask to his face, the paint sweeping over the red bricks.
" W-winters?" A deep voice from behind read the words painted on the wall out loud, unsure what it meant.

A smirk twisted behind the face mask as Jack turned around.
" hey hiccup" his grip loosed on the can of dark blue, letting it fall to the ground and walked to his best friend.
" what do you think?" Hiccup could sense the smirk, even tho he could not see it.
" who's winters? " the question lingered as Jack searched for a answer.
As soon as he got one he replied.
" a bitch who needs to know where she stands" at that hiccup instantly understand.
" how will you make it look realistic?" Hiccup asked staring at the graffiti on their school.
" glad you asked, I will get some paint that will stain her hands to look like she did it." He pulled down the mask.
" and how will you get paint off your hands?" He crossed his arms. However Jack lifted up his hands to show he was wearing gloves which prevented the paint to go into his pale skin, he was already one step in front.
" can you do me a favour."
" you want me to lie for you to make it look more realistic that you didn't do it?" It was if hiccup read his mind.
" exactly. "

The next morning.
Skipping breakfast, her fingers pluck the strings of her guitar. Humming along to the tune, trying to form words that fit.
" book another appointment.. hmm" she stopped singing, yet continued strumming, trying to think of words to continue with the line. Then it stuck her.
" book new appointment,
Yet another disappointment,
They are all the same. Same. Same." Elsa sang, yet stopped and wrote the notes and words into her spread out note book. Her head lifted up to the clock and her eyes widened at the realise what time it is. She placed her guitar down, grabbing her pens and notes stuffing  them down the open bag. Shit shit shit! Running outside her room she almost fell down the stairs but caught herself and rushed down and out the door.

Yet she didn't know what trouble lied in her path as she hurried to school. To her annoyance, Frost stood by the gates, with what seemed to be his friend he was talking to. Rolling her eyes she slowed her pace of running into a light jog, then finally a walk. However, when brushing her hair from her face she suddenly fell, tripping over her feet. Sending her bag flying, from her back and onto the ground. The two boys got to work, Jack headed for her bag and painted the strap blue with paint and then dropped a can of paint into her bag. He gathered the rest of her stuff acting like he was helping, as hiccup helped her up.
" here you go " Jack walked over with the bag and gave it to her. Elsa instantly took the bag by the strap slightly glaring at him, whilst all he did was give a innocent smile, she didn't notice the paint that was now on her hand.
Step one was now ready.

The hoodie is off (Jelsa) * Editing / probs on hold*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz