chapter 2

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The bed is so comfortable that I don't take long to fall asleep . Nelly mentioned about having her friends over for dinner. I seriously wasn't ready to join them because I'm just a stranger here and she's already treating me like I'm part of the family or something.

But then the picture I saw on the counter. He looked so handsome in the picture even though I prefer seeing him physically because he's such a damn snack. Would he be related to Nelly ? Was his picture in her kitchen? Perhaps I should have asked her but at the same time I don't want to seem nosy. I'm even lucky I found someone who cared enough to off me a home. If only I can also find a job...

The following morning I woke up earlier than Nelly and cleaned up before preparing breakfast. She woke up and found me cooking in the kitchen. Her loud gasp caught my attention and I turned around to find her smiling by the door.

"Oh uh.. good morning." I shyly greeted.

"Did you do all this? " She asked in shock.

"Yeah , I can change everything back to its original position if it offends you." I panicked not knowing if I was in trouble or not.

"What! No. I fucking love it. You cleaned my house and cooked breakfast? You're so amazing Eve." She cheerfully said.

I smiled satisfied that my work was highly appreciated.
"I just thought of paying back for the kindness you showed me and thank you for letting me sleep in your house."

"Oh come on! Don't be ridiculous. I'm happy to have you here and who said you're on spending a night? You're stuck with me for a long time."
She jokes and laughs and I just chuckle while playing with my hair.

"Come on, let's have breakfast. I woke up hungry today." She says.

We help each other set the table and then sit to eat . My eyes can't help staring at that damn picture. Nelly notices my stare and she smirks at me. We make eye contact and I look away , blushing and embarrassed that I've been caught ogling the man on the picture.

"He's so hot ,isn't he?"
Her question catches me off guard and my face betrays me by heating up.

"The guy you're staring at in the picture. He's really hot. Do you know him?" She continues questioning me.

Im not so sure if it's okay to mention that I bumped into him the day before yesterday or maybe I should just tell her that he looks familiar?

"Uh not so sure. I've met a lot of people who look like him. Who is he?" I take this chance to find out

"This man here is my friend's immediate brother. They are the ones I invited over for dinner, hope you don't mind." She mumbles with food in her mouth and my heart freezes for a moment.

"Uh of course not. It's perfect f-fine." I mentally slap myself for stuttering at the end and making a fool out of myself.
How can a simple picture cause me to become this flustered. I don't want Nelly to think I like her friend's brother who apparently is coming over to this house for dinner .

What could possibly go wrong.

After breakfast, Nelly persuaded me to join her on her shopping spree not knowing it was a trap for me and she ended up buying me new stuff, clothes, shoes , lingerie , you name it and to say I was uncomfortable would be an understatement because my whole life I've been treated like a slave so this new lifestyle is really hard to adapt.

"Hey cheer up. A woman should love shopping and don't get tired yet because we still have one store we have to visit." Nelly wiggled her eyebrows and laughed when she saw my confused face.

"Come with me. It's time to explore."  She takes my hand and I let her lead me to whatever store she wanted to ' explore ' .

To my horror we were walking into a shop full of sex toys. Oh my gosh...she did not.
"Come on don't be shy. Feel free and pick out your favourite ." She whispers to me with a wink and I blush.

The thing is ...I've never played with myself like that so I don't even know how these things work. How awkward.

Nelly goes round choosing her toys while I look around awkwardly until I make eye contact with one of the workers. He smirks at me causing me to look away in embarassment.
My heart rate speeds up when I hear him walking towards me.

"Hey , welcome to our store. How may I assist you?" He flashes a smile at me and I can't help but blush.
"Oh no you must be mistaken. I'm just here to escort a friend." I say and look away.

"Oh , I was hoping some of our items could attract your attention. Are you sure you don't want to look around?"

No matter how hard I try to avoid eye contact his intense stare and smirk is enough to convince me and I know I'm going to regret this decision later.
So he takes me round and explains to me about different kinds of toys and how to use them. By the time we were walking out I was beyond embarrassed and probably walked out with one or two toys. Don't judge me just yet,I  was forced to get them by Nelly. Besides , it's not like I'm going to use them anyway.

After spending almost the whole day in town, we finally head home to prepare ourselves for dinner with friends.
For a moment I almost forgot about dinner and the fact that I'll be seeing that man for the second time. Chances are that he already forgot about me. I mean who would still remember a dirty woman like me, clumsy and careless. I can't even compare to Nelly , she's beautiful. Her hair so fresh and silky, her skin is ever glowing and she has an amazing body with perfect curves at all.
That guy would never even spare me a glance.

Going to my room, I decide to wash up first before I can help out in preparing the meal.
After a long warm shower with beautifully scented soaps and shampoos I feel so fresh and good about myself. I use a drier to dry my hair and then let it down my shoulders with its curls.

I then put on my black sleeveless dress that Nelly bought for me earlier today and match it up with a pair of red high heels. I try walking in them in my room but then lose balance on my feet and fall to the ground.

"Is everything okay in there?" Nelly calls when she hear the loud thud.

"Yeah. Everything is perfectly fine!" I yell back.
"Okay, let me know if you need anything."


I then quickly take them off and just wear fancy slippers before heading to the kitchen.
It wasn't long before the door bell rang and Nelly went to open the door for our guests.

My heart rate immediately raced up when I heard the familiar voice.
"I had no idea we would meet again." He says while stretching his hand towards me for me to shake.

I look at Nelly and she has a puzzled look on her face.
I look back at his hand and remember that day he held me in his arms. Slowly taking his hand in mine, a shiver ran through my body causing me to release a small gasp and then pull away from his hand before he could begin squeezing mine.

"Nice to see you again..s-sir."  there we go again with the stuttering.

Suddenly the room is filled with laughter and I look up confused as to what was funny about what I just said.
"Please, call me Elijah. And you are?"

"Eve. You can just call me Eve." I mutter softly and a small cute smile firms on his face.

He repeated my name, except he said it a bit slower this time and my eyes were fixed at his juicy pink lips the whole time. Gosh my mouth is full of saliva already. I swallow hard and quickly avert my gaze from his face with a flustered face.

Nelly sensing the awkwardness in the air then clears her throat and introduces me to her two friends, making it clear that I would be staying a few days untill I find a place to stay.

"Great, now that we all know each other, shall we eat!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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