chapter 1

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I stared at the wall blankly and waited for him to finish fucking me. His Sweat dripping down on my chest and his stinky breath hitting my face. I was tired , exhausted and fade up of this kind of life.
Life has lost meaning and I just can't wait for all this to end.

"Damn, you really are amazing." He laughs when he finishes and then gets off me.

He puts on his clothes and grabs his car keys.
"Look at you. Laying there spread out for me. So beautiful... I'm going out. Make sure I find food when I get back."

I sigh when he finally walks out and I quickly get up and clean myself up before heading into the kitchen and preparing food.
But then I stop and look at the door.

Why am I suffering like this when I can run away and find myself a better life? I thought to myself and whatever demon took over today,I rushed up to my room and packed my worn out clothes and shoes in my small bag and then make my way out. I made sure no one saw me on my way out, especially the nosy neighbours.

Knowing my husband, he'll do whatever it takes to look for me and find me. And I can't risk being found because I know I'm already dead if I do. so I take money from his drawer enough for transport and food and board a bus and decide to go somewhere far away from him. Where? I have no idea, but I know I'm done with that foolish excuse of a husband.

If only my mother were alive. She would have made sure I grew up with a good life, go to a good school and find a good man. But my father gave up the moment mum passed away and I was left all by myself, struggling to stay alive and the only help I received was this man I call a husband.

But not anymore. I'm done being someone's sex toy , someone's rug and punching bag. It's high time I did something constructive with my life.
Suddenly, the bus stopped and we were all told to step out.

"What's going on?" I ask a fellow passenger
"I hear they are looking for a certain woman."
The guy says.

Oh no, did he seriously involve the police already? Of course he did. He is so full of himself when he's such a dick.

"Everyone out!" The officer shouted and we all rushed out. They made us stand in a line, separating the women from the men. Before stepping out , I made sure to hide myself in a hoody but it wasn't enough.

At this point I knew I was done for. My husband was going to finish me today. What the hell was I thinking, running away when I don't even have a place to run to?


My heart froze when one officer pointed at me. He gestured with his hand for me to follow him.
I kept thinking , should I run and go through the woods or just head back to my terrible husband?

When I looked up and saw the man that called me I sighed in relief because I realized it was Mike, my husband's friend. He knows how terrible my husband is and in fact he's the one that adviced me to leave at some point but because I was too afraid, I couldn't do it. But not today...

"I can explain. Please don't take me back h–

"Shhh." He shut me up. " I'm not taking you back but I need you to communicate with me when you reach your destination. Do you have where to go?" He asks

I look down shamefully and shake my head.
"Okay, don't worry. I'll give you an address, go to this address and tell them that I sent you there."

He then quickly takes a page from his notebook and writes down an address and phone number and hands it to me.
"Call this number when you reach and you'll be guided from there. Is it okay?"

"I don't know how I can thank you Mike." Tears roll down my face. Happy tears.

"Please don't even mention it. You deserve a better life Eve because you're a good woman. Please take good care of yourself." He hugs me and then sends me back into the bus.

"She's not the one!" He tells his fellow officers and they let us go. Today must be my lucky day.
I soon get off the bus and find a taxi that takes me to the address Mike gave me. When I knock on the door, a young lady walks out with a smile on her face.

"Eve! I was expecting you." She cheerfully greets me and I look at her confused.

"Come on in." She ushers me inside the house and I walk in.
"Mike told me about you. I'm Nelly by the way. Mike's sister."

I gasp at the new information. Now that she mentions it, they actually have some similar features.

Is the only thing I could say. I felt out of place and awkward.
"Okay, let's get you settled in. I've already prepared your room and everything else that you might need."

She sweetly says and then leads me to my room. I thanked her and went straight into the shower to freshen up. When I walked out of the shower, I found clean clothes on my bed layed out for me.

I smiled and dressed up before heading downstairs where I found her in the kitchen.

"Just in time for dinner." Nelly serves me food and my eyes widen at the full plate placed in front of me.

"Is this just for me?"

I immediately regret asking such a dumb question.
"Of course sweety. Please eat up. You look like you haven't seen food in ages." She chuckles and I just start eating my food without saying anything.

I take this chance to look around the place and admire the house. She must have a good paying job to afford such a house.
Her phone rings and she begins chatting with her friend on the phone leaving me alone in the kitchen.

Lost in my own wonderouse thoughts, a picture on the counter catches my eye.
All air leaves my lungs when I see a certain familia person in that picture.

"It's him."

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