The Introduction of the Characters

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Just to let everyone know that nothing in my story is politically correct so don't go one believing that this stuff is for real. ~Thank you for listening to this public service announcement~

These are the main-characters that will be viewed in this story

Mecella- She is the everyday school-girl that gets along with everyone. Her favorite thing to do is to walk around in old forests and relax in colorful wild flower patches. She is best-friends with Alfred who goes to school with her at Middle Acre High. For one thing she's very secretive which is why she doesn't have many close friends except Alfred.

She holds many secrets very close to her heart that originate from her family's history. One of her secrets is that she is a lost relative of the murdered Tsar royal family from Russia. Her family ancestor was Anastasia (who was the only survivor of the murder) but she was never found to be killed with her family. So Anastasia decided to continue the family tree, and made every new member solemnly swear to secrecy about their relationship to the Tsar's, and who killed them and started the new corrupt rule over Russia.

Now after many years they still live in fear of being sought after and killed for knowing these secrets. Mecella is the only child in her family which has been the family's tradition for the past few generations. The place where she lives now is one of the only safe havens that her family has. One of the only ways that they could hide for all of these years was to take shelter in the heart of America.

Russia (Ivan)- He is very tall, strong and sometimes a little intimidating he is also very gentle and lonely most of the time. His most favorite thing in the world besides using his "Magic Metal Pipe of Pain" are his Sunflowers. He is very kind and compassionate when you get to know him, but everyone who knows him very little tend to be greatly intimidated by his presence. Since he is the heir to the most powerful Russian mafia who wouldn't be afraid of him.

He has been looking for someone of high importance to him. The person he is searching for is the missed murdered offspring of Anastasia. His special mafia agents tell him that after all of these many years they might have found a descendants of the Tsar in America. He has sent them out to find these descendants and now waits patiently for their arrival.

He has many questions waiting to be answered by the descendants whether they like it or not. Another thing about him, is that he can live forever as long as Russia's government is surviving, and these descendents of Anastasia hold a strong threat against his country if they fall into the wrong hands. But frankly they have already but the ironic part about this is that his enemy has no idea that their key to destroying Russia's peace is right under their noses.

The following names listed here are the side-characters in the story

America (Alfred)- He is the closest friend to Mecella. He can also be very annoying and optimistic during everyday life. You can always find him eating a burger and always ready to be the hero. He has a major crush on Mecella every since they met. He can also live forever just like Russia and under the same circumstances as well. But Alfred is also an heir to the largest American mafia to ever exist in his country and he has been enemies with Russia for a long time as well. He will also do anything for something he cares deeply about.

General Winter- In this story he is Russia's Father and the old leader to the powerful Russian Mafia and other secret military forces. He tends to be straight-forward and cold when he speaks to people, and he trusts no one else but his son Russia.

Lithuania (Toris)- One of Russia's most trusted friend/ally who helps Ivan with his mafia business and weeds up juicy information for Mr. Russia from time to time. He is also the oldest member of the Baltic States Mafia Union and the thing about Lithuania is that he tends to be very, very serious about things so he can't really handle jokes.

Estonia (Eduard)- He is another one of Russia's Mafia allies and he helps make critical decisions for the Russian mafia. He deals with the help/watch of Russia's father as well. He is the leader of the Estonian Mafia and they are really good at spying. But he's mostly there to support and entertain Russia every now and then. He too is a member of the Baltic States Mafia Union and deals a lot with new and developing technologies.

Latvia (Raivis)- He is the youngest member of the Baltic States Mafia Union. He is very short in stature and is 100% honest. Especially when it comes to talking to Russia whom he is deathly afraid of. He claims that the reason why he's so short is due to Mr.Russia being very (violently) "affectionate" to him.

The Plot should of been explained in the "brief" description of the book. Hope all you Budders enjoy!!! :3

For all of the new people reading my stories i call all of my readers/followers Budders. I'll shut my mouth now and let you all continue... Have a good time Reading!!!

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