No.20 The Beach Incident

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SUMMARY- Kensi, Deeks and Hazel's fun day at the beach soon turns into a nightmare when they go home with the wrong baby.

Chapter 1
Kensi's POV
"Okay lets see we have our sunglasses, sunscreen, picnic basket, picnic blanket, swimsuits, surfboards, jackets, bucket and spade, wallet, gun and towels. What am I missing?" I asked myself a loud
"A kiss for me," Deeks said I gave him a peck on the lips and we packed the car I went and got Hazel
"Eww someone needs their nappy changed," I smiled I cleaned up Hazel and gave her a fresh nappy and we left.

"What a great day to surf!" Deeks exclaimed as he stood out the car I looked out at the surf the waves crashed whilst children played in the sand I looked back at Hazel who was smiling at me I grabbed her out of the car and put her on my hip I grabbed the blanket and basket out the car and Deeks brought the rest leaving the surfboards on the roof of our car, we set up on a nice soft white sandy part of the beach, we layed down the blanket and weighed it down with our shoes and the basket I placed Hazel on the blanket and watched as she crawled towards the basket I laughed and grabbed her "No no no," Deeks laughed
"What was she trying to grab?" he asked
"The cookies that Alyssa and Angus made us we never did eat them," we both smiled at the happy memories of the fun day we shared with them whilst undercover two months ago we snapped ourselves out of our daydream and I gave Hazel her bucket and spade and helped her build a sandcastle we walked up to Deeks as he lay on the soft sand and sunbaked I smiled "time for some lunch I'm starving," I said as me stomach gurgled we opened up the basket and enjoyed the juicy sandwiches inside I pulled out the fruitsalad that I made and we dug into them by the end of the fruitsalad we were full but we forced ourselves to eat the cookies which were delicious. We lay down for a while and lwt our stomachs rest I closed my eyes and fell asleep I woke up soon after and saw Deeks playing in the wet sand with Hazel I got up and walked over to them "it lives," smiled Deeks I sat down and started to play with them Deeks got up and grabbed his wetsuit out of the car and he grabbed his surfboard he ran into the water and dove onto his board he paddled out as he waited for the right wave I grabbed Hazel and walked into the shallow waters I sat down and she stood as the water gently crashed against the back of her knees she giggled as she sat down and splashed the water in both our faces she put her chin on the water and laughed as it splashed against her chin she looked at me with a cheeky grin and grabbed the sand and rubbed it on her cheeks I shook my head and grabbed some sea water and rubbed it off I picked her up and went back to our spot I grabbed a towel and dried her off when Deeks came back "your turn," he smiled I laughed and grabbed my board
"Deeks I forgot my wetsuit," I said
"Then just do it in your bikini I don't mind," he laughed I punched him in the shoulder and ran towards the water, I dove onto my board I paddled out and waited for the wave.

Chapter 2
Kensi's POV
"Wow Kensi you're getting really good, I suppose you've had a great teacher," he smiled
"You're right I've had a great teacher," he pecked my lips
"And who would that great teacher be?" he asked I smiled
"Me I'm really a self taught expert," I laughed Deeks mouth dropped and he grabbed me by the waist and lifted me into the air "Deeks put me down," I laughed, Hazel laughed too and Deeks put me down I grabbed Hazel "do you want to go and get some ice cream with mummy?" I asked her she clapped her hands "that's a yes, would you like some ice cream Deeks?"
"Yes please can I have mint choc chip?" he asked
"Sure," I replied me and Hazel left. Whilst waiting in line a lady came up to me with a girl in her arms who looked like Hazel
"Hi there your daughter is so cute!" She smiled
"Thanks your daughter is to, how old is she?" I asked
"1 and a half," she replied
"No way my daughters 1 and a half as well," I said the lady sad replied all of a sudden Hazel reached out and tried to grab the lady's daughter I put Hazel on the floor and so did the lady the two each grabbed each others hand and giggled "nice to meet you I'm Charlotte," I said
"Nice to meet you to I'm Ally," she said shaking my hand I ordered the ice-cream keeping soon our ice-cream was ready I grabbed Hazel smiled at Ally as she picked up her daughter " come on Piper," she smiled and I left we walked back to our spot Deeks was out waiting for a wave I waved my hand in the air and he came in he kissed me passionately on the lips and then got his ice-cream "what was that for?" I asked
"Nothing I just felt like it," he replied I smiled and ate my ice-cream Deeks looked at Hazel and his mouth dropped
"What!?!" I asked
I looked at Hazel when I noticed what I had done.

Chapter 3
Deeks POV
"How did this even happen?" I asked
"I don't know I went and got the ice-cream met a lady called Ally and..." she paused
"What?" I asked
"Ally had a daughter who looked like Hazel I must of picked up the wrong girl," she said
"Alright so this Ally lady has Hazel," Kensi nodded I hugged her
"Deeks I'm a terrible Mum," she said
"No your not you're a great Mum,"
" I lost our daughter Deeks who does that,"
"Hey my Dad lost me in a shopping centre," I said she laughed we packed up our stuff grabbed Ally's daughter and we went to find Ally

Kensi's POV
"Deeks we've been looking for ages she's not here she must of left," I cried Deeks gave me a hug and kidssed my forehead
"PIPER!" A lady screamed running towards us she held a girl in her arms I breathed a sigh of relief I handed Ally back her daughter and Ally handed me back Hazel I gave her a hug and kissed her forehead "Ally I'm so sorry I picked up the wrong girl," I said
"It's fine they both look a like," she hugged me and then left. Me and Deeks were exhausted so we went home
"Hey guys how was your day?" asked our nanny Alexia Deeks and I looked at each other and laughed
"It's a long story," I smiled.

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